Inside Wuhan: Daily life in China’s coronavirus quarantine zone

Channel 4 News

Jan 26, 2020

Ben Kavanagh is working as a teacher in Wuhan – the city under quarantine as the deadly coronavirus continues to spread across China .


He told us he was planning to venture out of his home one last time today to buy food and essential supplies before being stuck in his flat for the duration of the lockdown.

He took his phone along to film it all for us. China’s health minister has also warned that the virus is ‘getting stronger’. 56 people have now died and more than 2,000 are infected – with many of those infected not yet displaying symptoms.

One thought on “Inside Wuhan: Daily life in China’s coronavirus quarantine zone

  1. How about some real dialogue about the virus and situation? What are you hearing on the ground? Is all this fabricated for another purpose? I mean c’mon, your living right where this is happening! Any talk among your colleagues, neighbors, etc.?

    I can deduce from the basically empty streets that the quarantine supposedly going on appears authentic.

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