Instagram is Now Banning Photos of People at Gun Ranges, Claiming They Promote ‘Violence’

Summit News – by Paul Joseph Watson

Instagram is now blurring out images of women at gun ranges, saying the photos violate “violence or dangerous organization guidelines.”

Yes, really.

A picture was posted showing Kaitlin Bennett and Millie Weaver shooting firearms at a gun range. 

Facebook-owned Instagram banned and removed the image, claiming it violated their policy on violence or dangerous organizations.

The image depicts two independent women at a shooting range legally and lawfully exercising their 2nd amendment rights.

In our new social credit score dystopia, that’s forbidden.

First it was images of Alex Jones, now it’s images of legal firearms.

Recall that many on the left are attempting to have the NRA declared a “terrorist organization.”

Silicon Valley is now throwing its weight behind demonizing all gun owners as violent radicals.

Once the Commie-style social credit score is fully in place, photos like this will lead to real world punishments, like your bank account being taken away.

That’s our collective future.

See the pic here:

3 thoughts on “Instagram is Now Banning Photos of People at Gun Ranges, Claiming They Promote ‘Violence’

  1. Once the Commie-style social credit score is fully in place, photos like this will lead to real world punishments, like your bank account being taken away.

    That’s our collective future


  2. “Facebook-owned Instagram banned and removed the image, claiming it violated their policy on violence or dangerous organizations.”

    Dangerous organizations???

    Politicians use Instagram all the time.

    “Recall that many on the left are attempting to have the NRA declared a “terrorist organization.”

    That’s ONLY to cover up the fact that they’re gatekeepers… and traitors as well.

    “Silicon Valley is now throwing its weight behind demonizing all gun owners as violent radicals.”

    Nuke the commie bast@rds. It’s Commiefornia, after all.

    Just make sure there’s a strong westerly wind when you do… so the fallout won’t creep up here to Oregon.

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