International Conflicts Within US Borders

The illuminati push for a one world government has become a desperate frenzy, as county after country is infiltrated by the US CIA and Israeli Mossad, for the purpose of deliberate destabilization to facilitate regime change.  The new world order plan is in its final stages and cannot be completed until every sovereign border around the world is erased and the planet is re-proportioned and put under the rule of regional governors who are to be puppet dictators for the grand politburo at the top, consisting of the United Nations, NATO, the IMF, the WTO, and the CFR, which are to be the sub-soviets ruling under a premier whose name will never be revealed.

These sadistic psychophants have been diligently chipping away at national sovereignty for the past hundred years, using multi-culturalism, forced diversity, and political correctness complete with penalties.  I do believe the United States is to be the capstone, as when this nation erupts literally every conflict  around the world will be put right here at our feet.  

What a dastardly plan it has been.  Think about it.  Because of the forced illegal immigration into the United States of literally every other nationality around the world, when conflict erupts anywhere, it is already here.

Take for instance Pakistan and India.  Should war erupt between those two countries, it will erupt here as so called Pakistani-Americans will war with so called Indian-Americans on US streets and any American nationals that get in the way will just be collateral damage.

The illuminati has taken great pains and spared none of our resources in setting us up for the most vile destruction through duplicity to ever come into existence to date.  During World War II, American nationals of Japanese descent were put into concentration camps because there was a question as to where their loyalties might lie.

Since the requirement for the denunciation of prior nationality as a condition of becoming a United States national has been removed, as well as the requirement for speaking and writing in English, there is not even the pretence that the hyphenated American hoards do not hold allegiances to their home country and their own people above American nationalism and our way of life.

So should a world war erupt, not only will the conflict be border to border with the participants around the world, but literally house to house here in the United States.  This will be the great test for the American national for our people and our way of life.

Today we see every effort to bring forth every Zionist created agitation that has been used to divide us one against the other since the conception of the United States. The purpose being the forming of collectives for the destruction of our Republic, that’s very cornerstone is the absolute right of the individual to self govern in defiance of collective power.  All of those calling themselves Americans second and putting their hyphenated mother country before us, are the enemy absolute, and they will be used in the effort to extinct the American national.

Look at Ukraine where a minority has destabilized the entire region as they are led and financed by one world elements.  And even though it is a minority, many of which have been shipped in as professional agitators, they wield international power that seems set to dictate that country’s future.

I guess the communism thing isn’t working out so well and its failure will be followed by the failure of so called democracy, which we have seen fail time and again in the Middle East and Northern Africa, because, you see, it is all international socialism and it is designed to control people.  And whether the propagandists like it or not, there is no twist of a phrase, smoke and mirrors, or downright deception that can make control equate to freedom.

The communist collective theology is just another Zionist ponzi scheme.

Say a small community of 500 people decides through democracy, 90% to 10%, that freedom of speech is to be absolute.  Now take that small community and through an act of duplicity it is, in defiance of its sovereignty, joined with a neighboring community.  Its borders are erased and it now becomes a part of a collective of 5,500.  Now the 5,000 in the community that absorbed the 500 have declared that freedom of speech does not exist.  This is how international communism works.

Every day we are seeing more of UN Agenda 21 being inflicted upon our people.  This is foreign law and it is unconstitutional as it did not come into existence through our sovereign legislative process.  The representatives of we the people have never had the authority to merge us with larger bodies for the purpose of removing our rights, yet this is exactly what we are seeing happen and when it finally gets to the point that we are forced to assert our rights, using force, the agents of the international collective have been placed among us for the express purpose of forcing their home countries’ socialism upon us.

Every American national must recognize the enemy as everyone in every quarter within our sovereign borders who is not us and we must be prepared to destroy them to preserve our Republic and our absolute unalienable rights as individuals.  Let there be no divide between us in that we recognize one another in our absolute adherence to and insistence on our Bill of Rights as unalienable and uninfringed.  And those who are not us are nothing but foreign invaders, intent on destroying our free way of life and enslaving our people after the genocide.

God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

16 thoughts on “International Conflicts Within US Borders

  1. Nice work, Henry. They can’t succeed without keeping Americans in the dark about what’s happening to them. This article, and this website, shines a little light upon the problem that helps a lot, because it helps people recognize the communism for what it is.

    It’s NOT the environmentalism. liberalism, political correctness, or racial tolerance, that it’s being sold as. It’s pure communism hidden behind names that are more acceptable to the American people. When they get the big picture, and see things for what they are, the commie bastards don’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell here.

  2. My Fellow Patriots:

    As you know from listening to our radio show, “The Word From The Trenches”, I am not so critical in my definition and use of the word “communists”.

    My friend and mentor Henry, is of course quite right in adherence to the more technical aspects of this term and its adjoining concepts, but I simply distill it down to its operative essence, which is,…. that communism is not so much a philoshphy or a political point of view, but is really little more than just a bunch of true pyscho-paths that feel the need to steal, lie, cheat and control everything which is NOT rightfully theirs.

    They are a group of people that have simply recognized the same pathological traits of complete and utter mental abberations that technically and clinically is more than sufficient to properly diagnose these pyschos as complete and fatal dangers to any society,… and hence should have been locked up decades ago.

    As complete pyschos, they will NOT stop,.. they will NOT give up,.. they do NOT feel remorse or pity,.. they do NOT care what anguish or destruction they incur, they will NEVER give up trying to steal EVERYTHING, trying to control EVERYTHING and EVERYONE, and are certainly NOT bothered by the notion of exterminating people by the millions or even billions,… they are complete and unrepentent pyschos in every sense of the word,… and will ONLY stop when we have completely purged ourselves of their existense, and have absolutely erradicated our country of any trace of them.

    Our country is on the aboslute razors edge of complete monetary, financial, economic and political implosion,… as per design,… so when we talk about, “getting your mind right”,…. it is now or never.

    People who can not adjust their mental states the truth of the matter, now,.. while in a time of relative calm,… will NOT be able to do so as the situation enters its final phase of catastrohic failure, shortages, unrest, and prrivations that WILL occur, unlike anything ever witnessed before in this country.

    Those people will simply suffer a pyshcological schism, bringing them into a state of paralysis, which will leave them fully exposed to every manner of danger, harm and finally,…. death. Death via the roaming thieves, or via government will be of little value to make a distinction of,.. except for the history books.

    Please,.. “get your mind right” now,… which means understand the dirty work that lies ahead,.. the inability to secure or purchase basics,… and the notion that many of the systems we rely on now,… are in fact many of the systems we absolutely need to abolish and replace,.. the Federal Reserve,… and its certicate of enslavement, the Federal Reserve Note (many call,… “The US Dollar”….) is just one example.

    Talk to your family (which I know can be tough…), frineds, neighbors, coworkers, even strangers,.. and see at what stage of awakening they are at.

    Do NOT waste you time trying to awaken or convince the irretrievable, the unsavable, the sound asleep,…. instead,.. concentrate your efforts on that group that will comprise the 10% of the population that constitute the wide awake, or those in the advanced stages of coming to terms with the real nature of the lies and crimes that have perpetrated against us Americans,… and against our country, our Constitution, our Bill Of Rights,… and our childrens future.

    Those are the fighters,.. the ones who will NOT walk into that good night without a fight,… they are the ones that will be needed to help rebuild once we have settled this matter once and for all.

    Good luck my fellow Patriots,… its almost time to report to work,… and get busy saving our country.

    JD – US Marines – Lead by example, or follow,.. but make sure your fighting for this country,.. and not another fake patriot put up to lead people astray like we see in Washington DC everyday.

    1. I hope this can be diverted for a few more months. I’ve feared this would happen while my husband was being held. But I’m prepared as well as can be. We didn’t start this fire, but we sure will finish it.

    2. Very well said. Communism is nothing but a ruse to trick the stupid and gullable into accepting and promoting tyranny. We need to call it what it is – tyranny.

      I think most of us have figured out by now that the majority of the people are sheep. When the wolves come, the sheep scatter or stand shaking in paralysis. We shouldn’t expect anything different, because they are sheep.

      When we call the guard to arms, we don’t expect the sheep to fall in; we focus our attention on the wolves and deal with the threat.

      And you are absolutly right that there are systems we need to totally abolish, including but not limited to, the Federal Reserve. We need to root out and destroy secret societies and their more open round-table groups, such as the CFR, the Trilateral Commision, banking alliances, etc. These systems of control are intricate and intertwining, indeed, creating an entire web of control that most people can’t see.

      Here is an overview of how these systems work together, but it is really far more complex:

      Somthing to keep in mind when we re-establish the Founder’s Republic, restore our schools to learning and teaching people of the treachery that is possible when psychopaths are allowed to roam the earth freely and resolve to never let it happen again.

      Stay alert!

    3. Psychopaths. That is what they are indeed. And that is perhaps the biggest hurdle for most of the ten percent (and hopefully more) to get their heads around. Most people think “psychopaths” are serial killers like Manson, cult leaders like Sun Myung Moon, notorious dictators like Hitler or Stalin, or child molesters or human traffickers…convincing people that Obama or Hilary or Wall Street Banksters are indeed psychopaths is key to getting them on the side of right…nobody likes a psychopath.

  3. This is white genocide. a hundred years ago the world population of whites was around 40%, now it’s 7-8%. the protocols of zion at work, We won’t make good slaves so we must be wiped out! the immigrant invasion and all these stupid wars for israel, are all geared for the same end! the end of us! White people.. like Henry and JD say, know who the enemy is and don’t fall in behind one of their usefull idiots.. at the rate this genocide is taking place we only have one or two more generations of our kind. we gotta stop it!!

    1. Hi bargin bob,

      Good point,.. nobody EVER talks about the genocide of the Caucasian population!

      It’s hightime that this was also brought into the conversation,.. and using some simple facts like the ones you give above,… are a great starter.

      If finding out your race of being, is being systmatically wiped out does not get their attention,.. well,.. then pretty much nothing else will either.

      JD – US Marines – I’m not here to support political correctness, or tolerate my race being genocided out of existence,.. and stopping means starting with acknowledging what is occurring.

    2. You nailed it, bargain bob! That is EXACTLY what the Zionists’ agenda has been all along – to destroy the white race.

      However, you misconstrue the true reason for this genocide. Granted, we would definitely not make good slaves, as you stated. But it goes much deeper than that. But the truth of the matter lies not so much in ethnicity, it goes straight to the very nature of the enemy of ALL mankind – namely, their core belief in Satan.

      For centuries, the vast majority of Christians were white. That has been changing in the last couple hundred years or so, mainly due to vast improvements in the means available for dissemination of the Gospel. Not only insofar as methods of transportation, but especially due to the varieties of media now accessible to most – books, magazines, religious tracts, audio tapes, dvds, and most notably the media we’re currently using, the internet.

      Now, I’m not here to argue semantics. That is, whether or not God and Satan exist. (They do, of that I have absolutely no doubt). But the point I’m trying to get across is that whether someone believes Satan exists or not is totally immaterial, because THEY (Zionists) believe he does, and therein lies the very crux of our dilemma. Since they are every bit as evil in nature as the one they worship and sacrifice to, to think otherwise would be a grave miscalculation in dealing with these sub-human monsters.

      (Sorry, Henry. I know it was off topic, but I felt it was relevant. Good article)

    3. btw, their ultimate goal is to enslave or annihilate ALL those not of their ‘tribe’/cult, but I assume this you know already.

  4. This picture you just wrote about needed to be told Henry. And thanks for doing that. JD…you’re also correct! While there is still time, prepare one’s own mind, prepare the family members, the neighbors, friends even living far off, for what is most likely to occur. A massive collapse of our land….The only way it won’t is if straight shooters with power, honesty, vision to stop it, do that from DC/i.e. US Military/states who refuse to bow down and the like. I haven’t seen any evidence of this honestly generating……So the downslide will continue…
    Sad but true!
    Nam Vet….1969 in country

  5. The new egalitarian, human rights obsessed elite always was more exclusive than the old landed gentry. Its followers have a metal illness that causes them to delude themselves they are somehow qualified to tell us all how to live our lives. The truth is, if jerked out of their cocooned existence most of them couldn’t cope in the real world for more than a few days.
    Education is a fine thing, but if the great unwashed weren’t around to grow wheat and potatoes, the elitists would find books don’t make a very nourishing snack and theories are nutrient free.

  6. Yes WarriorClass3 , I agree with you , abolish the federal reserve PRIVATELY OWNED FOREIGN BANK , FORCE AIPAC to register as a Foreign Agent , DESTROY the C F R as well the HAROLD PRATT house , & then we could start the healing process . Make no mistake about it , none of this will happen w/ out a lot of sacrifice . I believe the People of this Country are ready to PURGE these COMMUNIST JEW BASTARDS , & add them to the List of expelled from countries !!!

  7. Exactly, Henry…which is why I keep harping on not hating Muslims, who are in a similar situation as those Japanese Americans except they haven’t all been rounded up yet…heck, we shouldn’t hate anyone just because of the grouping they are in (INDIVIDUALS, that is, not collectives)

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