Invitation For Honor

I found this today. I do not know how “real” this is, but I’d like to think it is.

Either way, I can say it’s true for me.

Ready, Willing, and Able. The question remains, “Is This True Of You ?”  

2 thoughts on “Invitation For Honor

  1. I would say the folks in North Carolina though nice to volunteer if true will when Ct. blows open have enuff to do at home,believe it will kick start a lot of unconstitutional actions country wide with the revolt /retaliation of such actions.We as friends and family/neighbors watch out for and help each other no matter what the cause wh,ether man made or just natural disaster can wade thru it,good luck to all when this happens.

  2. The problem with ANY on this, today, is most all of these types of things are FBI-sponsored, used for entrapment.

    ONLY by knowing someone for many years – an even that isn’t 100% – would I be convinced. There is no ‘new low’ our government will not stoop to, and since they have no oversight nor Constitution to answer to, well……

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