6 thoughts on “Is ISIS, (Al Qaeda) in Iraq, a Russian Communist plan to take over the west?

  1. Thank You Laura, Henry and JD for all that you do for us, America and even humanity. May blessings be upon you as we fight for our freedoms and take back our God given rights to live a life as we see fit… Thanks again….

    1. hey Joe, been studying with him for years before I jumped into the Trench…alexanderbackman.com and he now moved to wordpress…like here at the Trenches… I love him dearly… sorry I can not elaborate more I have to hit the road…I’m runnin late….its 3:41am my time…

  2. I didn’t watch the entire video because it would have been like listening to a 5-year-old’s rant.

    It’s like this pilgrims: As Jordanian officials have claimed, ISIS was trained by the US in Jordan. They invade Iraq in Toyota pickups. Iraqi troops, knowing US made tanks are no match for Toyota pickups, jump out of their Abrams tanks and flee, leaving the tanks, and surface to air missiles to ISIS in addition to a whole bunch of cash they just happened to find.

    ISIS ships the tanks and weapons back to Syria to support a new attempt to take down Assad.

  3. I watched more of this video and am convinced this guy is a propaganda agent.
    He blames Russia for poisoning Yasser Arafat, which was obviously a Mossad hit. He blames Russia for ISIS when the US trained, armed and sponsored the group, so they could conquer Syria and unseat Russia’s ally Assad.

    He opens by praising JC and sharing some half-truths to gain acceptance. He ends by making claims that are so illogical, only those who are mentally challenged can believe them.

    But think of how many Americans are mentally challenged.

    The most recent NDAA passed by congress authorizes the government to use propaganda on US citizens. Watch for everything from blogs to movies like “Shadow Recruit” to befuddle clueless Americans into supporting war with Russia.

    Why not? If the nukes come, we can always Duck and Cover.

  4. His name has khazarian heritage. Deflection away from israel and the jusual suspects plants some serious doubt about the sincerity of his analysis and his intentions. Crypto-joo and a gate keeper. Just another wolf in sheep’s clothing.

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