15 thoughts on “Rick Perry Warns! Record Numbers From Terror Hotbeds Are Crossing Texas-Mexico Border

  1. “Rick Perry Warns! Record Numbers From Terror Hotbeds Are Crossing Texas-Mexico Border”

    Without even watching the video (can’t stand to listen to this clown), I just have to ask: IF that’s true, why isn’t he sending the National Guard, or someone else?

    Isn’t that his job???

    1. #1, I am bitching about this to my wife right now and was saying isn’t that Rick Perry’s job? Why isn’t he calling the National Guard, the military or the militia?

      Then I look at your comment and it looks like you beat me to it.

      So like Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne, Rick Perry is probably just going to have a little chat with his friends in D.C. to see if they can draw up a piece of paper saying, “What you are doing is illegal” and shove it in the terrorists, criminals and gang members faces as they are invading our country from the South. Thanks guys, I’m sure that will stop them. After all, if we confiscate all of the guns from the good guys, the bad guys will do the same too.


      And we’re all just sitting here watching it happen!!! 😡 😡 😡

      I’m gonna contact my local militia and find a way to join up or at least help out with the auxiliary, if it’s any good. I’m sick of sitting here doing nothing, while I’m watching my country being invaded and burned. I’d advise everyone else to do the same!

      1. Hey, you can jump on the crazy train, but that is what you:: are to do…. We will look around and see were the transfer ticket will take us. ROOKIES..

      2. “Why isn’t he calling the National Guard, the military or the militia?”

        Excellent points NC and #1. I know there are citizen militias in Texas whom would be more than willing to help beef-up the border and, Rick Perry has the authority to make this happen.

        It becomes quite apparent that Perry’s lack of action to quell this mass influx of illegal migrants… tells me he is reading-off the same NWO script.

        Since TPTB have failed in their first stage of action to disarm us, they have jumped forward on their time line and opened the “humanitarian” flood gates of Mexico insurgents to overwhelm us. Their isn’t enough space in the South to contain them, so this influx of questionable Latinos is now being spread to the North.

        There is only one thing that will stop this illegal migration in its tracks (and it won’t be pretty). Perry is an incredulous pr#@k that was castrated after his run for President. He doesn’t have the balls to take action… so he just sits and whines to the MSM.

        This entire scenario seems to leap right from the pages of Zionist Protocols: Divide and conquer. The Fed knows their hands full regarding the containment of Latino Drug Lords (created by the CIA), and armed USA citizens. Therefore, they will allow us to fight and weaken each other, then TPTB will sweep in and kill the armed survivors.

      3. Great, NC. I searched around and this one looks good.
        Check out the whole site. They appear to be right on target. There was one that did a thorough back round check, and also sounded sort of wimpy, imo.
        The link above is actually showing a training coming up June 21.
        If someone has NC’s email, please send this to him,as I don’t know if he’ll see this post. Thank you.

        1. By any chance, was the wimpy one the Texasmilitia.org which has no affiliation with Texasstatemilitia.com? Do you know?

  2. Rick Perry is failing those of us that live in TX. I’m not surprised, he reads from a prepared script like all of the other political NWO agents. Perry isn’t on our side or he would call out the National Guard, military or the militia. No he will just sit back and act like his hands are tied and there is nothing he can do about this situation with these illegals. Perry is another NWO creep.

  3. Rick Perry IS a puppet of the thugs, but just what the heck is the “Texian Nationalist” movement doing?

    Something perhaps, but not here in the Big Bend area for sure…they have no representatives in this area…too afraid to set the record straight after the Rick McLaren “Republic of Texas” fiasco scam of money laundering and gun running with the bogus “Washitaw Nation”…Where are you, “Queen Dugdamoundya” when we need you? :-/

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