3 thoughts on “Is mandatory Covid vaccine for school children next?

  1. Once the almighty F(ools)D(ipshits)A(ssholes) gives its sacred “approval” to these toxic concoctions, they will start declaring mandates for everyone under the sun (except for themselves, they’ll take the saline shots). I don’t understand why so many are focusing on the dangers of the ‘vaccines’, just proving the ‘virus’ is a hoax proves the shots are nothing more than population reduction bio-weapons.

  2. Stop validating the non existent

    No one should send their kids to school

    When the public fool system is empty and no one shows up
    There going to have to come up with a new lie and a new tactic
    We should be doing this to keep them on their toes and seeing what kind of stupid go around they come up with when no one is paying their taxes for a service we’re not getting
    And a shit load of empty schools
    And no checks going to the administrations or the Teachers UNIONS
    That’s when the rubber is going to meet the road with this particular load of stupidity

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