Is The “Coronavirus” Actually Microwave Illness?

Radiation Dangers

Dear friends – alot of information has been circulating around the internet regarding the alleged  “coronavirus” in China.  Alarmist headlines abound such as this one from Alex Jones’ Infowars: 

“Computer Models Show 183 Million Infected by Coronavirus February 29”

and this one from Mike Adams of Natural News:

“Over the Last 7 Days, Coronavirus Infections Have Increased 1000%”

Top names in the health movement are scrambling to write articles about what we need to do to protect ourselves from this impending, life-threatening “virus” (see here and here).  And, right on queue, the World Health Organization has declared a “Global Coronavirus Pandemic” (see also here).

All of this has occurred in just a matter of days.

Based on the speed with which this terrible “virus” seems to be “spreading” around the globe, it appears that now would be an excellent time to take a few steps back to see if we can determine what in the world is actually going on here.

No doubt, the dark ones are gearing up to introduce yet another allegedly “life-saving” vaccine, and no doubt they are rubbing their hands together  imagining that this “viral pandemic” will be the one that will finally enable them to mandate vaccines around the globe.

In fact, this article just came out today (Jan 31, 2020) alerting us to the fact that “vaccine trials” for this “virus” are scheduled to begin in the U.S. in three months.  Miraculously the CDC already has diagnostic tests for this and “will start shipping out test kits to state and local public health partners in the coming days.”

Read the rest here:

2 thoughts on “Is The “Coronavirus” Actually Microwave Illness?

  1. EXCELLENT information post Mary! I sure hope all of the Trenchers will take the time to check it out. Thank you…

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