Is The Obama Administration The LEAST Transparent In U.S. History

Published on Mar 21, 2014 by Ben Swann

Obama Administration says they are responding to a record number of FOIA requests, more than 700,000! That is true but what the media isn’t talking about is HOW the administration is responding and how little information is is actually being released to journalists.

7 thoughts on “Is The Obama Administration The LEAST Transparent In U.S. History

  1. The least transparent in a way true,but with tech at the levels it is at these days and patriots like Snowden is getting harder then ever for the big govt/business/puppet masters to hide information,i.e. “We see you!”.

  2. Hi there James, I agree with you and Outlaw, that Obomber’s agenda is clear. But in no part due to anything “exposed” by Snowden. He like A Jones, J Ventura, M Rivero, T Nugent and others, are all working disinfo for the PTB, and are very good at it. Otherwise, they would receive ZERO exposure on the MSM. They ARE part of the “agenda”. Be very wary of anything coming from them. Whatever Snowden “exposed” is only what the PTB wanted exposed. He is far from being a patriot.

      1. Yea Paul, as soon as you see any so-called Patriot getting any air time on the MSM your alarm bells should go off. MSM is under TOTAL control and belongs to the PTB, enough said.

        1. Actually,will disagree a bit,msm at times forced to admit mistakes made by their masters as they become less influential as folks see em not covering stories properly.I don’t care if Snowden was a puppet though don’t believe he was,has got many folks awake and distrustful of govt. that before were asleep,so,if a plant,it back fired!

          1. Yea James I know what you are saying, but I will offer this, I was “woken up” by Alex Jones and M Rivero, and they will a times print the truth as MSM and Snowden. But my take on them is if you know at times that they also mis-lead us, it takes away from anything valid they have to say. In other words you can never be sure if what they are saying is above-board. Fool me once if you will. I cannot stand being mislead and lied to. So once you know that you kinda want to steer clear and look for someplace offering the truth and nothing but. So you might want to follow Snowden if you feel comfortable sifting through the BS and know what is true compared to what is not. But a Patriot he is not. Nothing gets trough on MSM that they don’t want us to know. There are no “mavericks” on MSM. They toe the line or do not get any air time.

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