Israel has dropped 65,000 tons of explosives on Gaza. This is equivalent of 28 kilograms of explosives on Gaza for every civilian, woman, and child.

2 thoughts on “Israel has dropped 65,000 tons of explosives on Gaza. This is equivalent of 28 kilograms of explosives on Gaza for every civilian, woman, and child.

  1. While families starve…

    “Hamas acts as agent provocateurs under the control of the Mossad.”
    — Journalist Edward Hendrie, 2/21/24

    “Israel must keep a state of moral tension.”
    — Moshe Sharett, Prime Minister of Israel from 1954-1956

    “…in order to keep that moral tension it is necessary for Israel to invent dangers. The invented dangers act as provocations for Israel to retaliate. Hamas is just such an invented danger.”
    — Edward Hendrie, 2/21/24


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