3 thoughts on “It “Was” a blast wile it lasted.

  1. It means the country the patriots fought two wars with the british to get our sovereignty is GONE and DEAD. We let it happen.

    It also begs the question: ” What are we going to do about this outrage?”. Tyrants don’t ever show remorse for their crimes, nor give willingly back stolen rights or war booty. It has to be taken back with extreme force. I think they call that CIVIL WAR. Trump is glad handing all the machinery of repression. So you think he will do anything to stop all this madness? I think not. If anything he will order a lot of WACO’s and Ruby Ridges when the time comes. We’d better be organized and ready when they finally drop the hammer on what’s left of American Patriots. Don’t count on most of the population for help or moral support. Most of them have their HEAD UP THEIR “I” PHONE. Symbols say a lot, and this one spoke volumes.

    That is what it means.

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