Jared Bernstein is literally the Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers, the main agency advising Biden on economic policy

One thought on “Jared Bernstein is literally the Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers, the main agency advising Biden on economic policy

  1. They’re not only evil but now we see that they are supremely stupid. Will “stupid” take the ball all the way out of their own court? Yeah, when we start playing hard-ball. When I look at this guy, my read is that he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, or maybe even gold, and having had everything handed to him on a gold platter, he assumed/concluded he didn’t have to ever learn a thing. He found learning superfluous/pretty much unnecessary, even cumbersome. So he smiles through life each day, oblivious to all but his own comfort, whistling as he strolls to the bank on his way to brunch.


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