Jay Leno cancels appearance at gun show after pressure from anti-gun groups

jay leno sultan protest 600 reuters.jpgStill with the Newtown bs.  Unfreakin believable huh?

Fox News

Jay Leno has canceled a performance at a big gun show in response to the criticism of several anti-gun groups.

The Shooting, Hunting, Outdoor Trade Show (SHOT) event where Leno was scheduled to appear in January is sponsored by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, which is based in Newtown, Connecticut.  

“I’m not sure if Jay Leno has done his research and understands that NSSF is the corporate gun lobby and they spend a significant amount of money to lobby congressional leaders to not pass significant gun reform legislation,” Newtown Action Alliance chairman Po Murray told Mother Jones magazine. “It’s a disheartening as a Newtown resident to see him make this appearance at the SHOT Show. So we’re urging him to cancel his appearance.”

After canceling his appearance, Leno told Mother Jones: “I understand it’s Newtown, and of course I get it. It’s just sometimes, mistakes get made.”

The NSFF released a statement after Leno backed out of the gig.

“We are clearly disappointed by Jay Leno’s decision not to perform at the 2015 SHOT Show State of the Industry Dinner. He unilaterally cancelled his promised appearance due to pressure from the anti-gun lobby, which included false statements about our industry and its commitment to genuine firearms safety, which we attempted to personally correct with him, but to no avail.

“We are not deterred by their publicity seeking nor are we unfamiliar with the bullying political tactics of the gun control groups that seem to have as little respect for the First Amendment as they continually demonstrate with regard to the Second Amendment.”

Adam Lanza killed 20 children and six staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown on December 14, 2012, before committing suicide. The massacre sparked a national debate on gun control.


11 thoughts on “Jay Leno cancels appearance at gun show after pressure from anti-gun groups

  1. “Adam Lanza killed 20 children and six staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown on December 14, 2012,”
    No, he did not.
    Any American should boycott all products sponsoring any Leno show or appearance.
    As the English would say “What a tosser”

  2. I was going to say something like this ,

    wonder why he backed down we all know how celebrities love to be in the lime light , get paid etc…

    who’s standing on his dick?..is what I’d like to know..and why is he allowing it..or is he just another coward?

    Or was he warned that he will be the next cereal rapist?

  3. Just goes to show he is one of them….. and will do anything to support them…. Remember anyone successful in hollywood has sold their soul to the devil….. all for fame and fortune….Those most believable in these realms always act as if they are a normal man……but they are a part of the agenda……..

  4. Could the fact the NSSF is headquartered in Newtown have anything to do with the whole Sandy Hook scenario? I mean, how convenient to kick off a national anti-gun brouhaha at the site of a national shooting organization.

    1. I had forgotten about this incredibly strange “coincidence.”
      Why hasn’t the NSSF moved out of a state that is so virulently anti-gun? Remington, MagPul and Beretta, I believe, have all moved to gun friendlier climates i.e. South and/or West. I’m sure there are others.
      At least they could have moved to a different CT town, FCOL.
      The fact that they haven’t moved or made a stink about Newtown SandyHoax makes my conspiratorial, 10 moves ahead in chess, brain really rev up.

  5. “Adam Lanza killed 20 children and six staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown on December 14, 2012, before committing suicide. The massacre sparked a national debate on gun control.”

    I see we’re still repeating the same lie, aren’t we FOX?

    Well, We the People are still repeating the same truth. There was no Adam Lanza and there was no Sandy Hook shooting. So go screw yourself, FOX!

    I just have to say that this is one lie that’s so ridiculous that there’s no way it can be true and the more they keep repeating it, the less effect they have on making it the truth and the more they make people believe the REAL truth that it really is a lie/hoax.

    1. Hey NC, the sheeple’s will swallow anything they puke up and come back for more. I believe that level of total ignorance is treasonous.

  6. Jay Leno is a cowardly, low life, bought off, little piece of $hit. “On your knees Jay said the Devil, you know what the gig is.”

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