Jews Demand Caller Exposing Jewish Supremacy Be Identified, Arrested

The Realist Report

Following a 13-minute call-in commentary to a BBC radio program in which a British man made a number of factual and easily verifiable observations about Jewish supremacy and power in the Western world, including Jewish control over international finance and banking systems, the organized Jewish community in the United Kingdom is demanding the BBC provide police with the caller’s information. The Times of Israel reports:  

A BBC radio phone-in program in the early hours of December 22 allowed a caller to stay on air for almost 13 minutes in a rant that castigated Jews and their “rule” over British society, a watchdog group said.

The Campaign Against Antisemitism called the incident shocking “even for the BBC.”

As first reported by the UK Jewish News, “Andy from St. Margaret’s” started his attack on Radio London’s Simon Lederman radio program by stating that the world is “not free” and “they are trying to control us more and more and more. They want to put a chip up our backsides…the elites… A ring through our noses, and a vizor for our horizons… the Rothschilds… It’s about the Zionists.”

Andy referenced well-known anti-Semitic tropes, claiming that the Jews didn’t originate from Palestine but that most came from “an empire called Khazaria” in eastern Europe and that “the Rothschilds, the people who own the Bank of England, the people who own the Federal Reserve, they’re all Zionist Jews. The people who own the corporate America, the media, you’ll find if you just do a little bit of research, they’re all Zionist Jews. We are ruled by Zionist Jews.”

“They control money, money,” he repeated. […]

Andy continued by complaining about an obsession with the Holocaust in mainstream media, and repeating the mantra that “we are dominated by the Jews’ system, the financial Jewish system. The Rothschilds control us.”

The full interview can be heard on the show’s BBC iPlayer site, starting at 03:07:28.

A BBC spokesperson defended the decision to allow the caller to go on speaking, saying that “the aim of the program is to discuss and debate issues raised by our listeners. This was a live phone in and the caller was challenged on his views throughout the conversation.” After the interview, the spokesperson added, “reaction from other listeners was also broadcast.”

Jonathan Sacerdoti, director of communication at the Campaign Against Antisemitism, said the incident was shocking “even for the BBC…. The radio presenter simply allowed an ignorant racist to speak for nearly [a] quarter of an hour while offering no counter-argument, correction or condemnation of his views that Jews control money, banks, commerce and the media. We expect the BBC to now hand the caller’s telephone number to the police.”

The reaction from the organized Jewish community, led by the Campaign Against Antisemitism (White people need an organization devoted to combating anti-White slanders and stereotypes!), is so typical, no commentary is even required.

As regular readers and followers of The Realist Report are well aware, the Jews have a long history of suppressing and persecuting individuals and nations that refuse to go along with the Jewish agenda of world domination and subjugation, commonly referred to as the New World Order.

Think about it: the Jews in the UK are openly demanding the BBC hand over this caller’s personal information to police so an investigation can be opened and the man can be prosecuted for “hate crimes,” simply by making a few basic observations publicly. This is totally unacceptable, and I hope the good people of the UK rally behind this courageous caller.

Telling the truth about Jewish supremacy and power in the West, among other important subjects, is a crime, according to Jews. Making basic, factual observations and criticisms of Jews, Jewish supremacy, and various Jewish-promoted and instigated agendas, such as cultural Marxism, wars in the Middle East, massive non-White immigration to the West, etc., is “evil” and “racist” and “anti-Semitic,” we’re led to believe. What utter nonsense!

If there is one thing the Jews hate the most, it is people standing up and refusing to accept their lies, their programming, and their tyrannical, anti-human agenda. And frankly, we do not have time to cower before the Jews anymore. These people have to be exposed and isolated – the future of our planet depends upon it.


10 thoughts on “Jews Demand Caller Exposing Jewish Supremacy Be Identified, Arrested

  1. I give three sources that not only confirm the above, but encourage all to search and read the following which are totally available to read, free, on the net:

    1. 1976 Interview with Mr. Harold Rosenthal, former personal aide to then Senator Jacob K. Javits. Mr. Rosenthal was ultimately killed for giving this arrogant but truthful interview.

    2 The Jewish Question in Europe: La Civilta Cattolica, Oct, Nov, Dec, 1890. Published under the authority of then Pope Leo XIII. [Note: This article, published with Pope Leo XIII’s authority, contradicts and chastises the commentaries by the Popes on the Jews since Vatican II, besides warring the world of just what the above article reveals.

    3. The Plot Against the Church, published under the pen name of Maurice Pinay in 1962, by twelve Vatican Theologian/Historians. While studying the Vatican Archives and documents in their original languages, these priests discovered the largest and longest conspiracy in history, of the Jewish attempt to establish a One World Satanic Judeo/Freemasonic Dictatorship. Among all the documentation from even Jewish sources, we find that for centuries, continuing today, many Jews and their families have faked conversion to Catholicism and have infiltrated the Church with many becoming Cardinals, Bishops, Prelates, and possibly two of the last four or five popes, how they have even become Protestant Ministers, Islamic Clerics, Pagan Priests, all to infiltrate and destroy any vestige of religion other than their “luciferian Jewry”, all the while secretly continuing to practice their satanic religion and undermining and sabotaging countries, religions, governments and all social institutions.

    As both Mr. Rosenthal and Mr. Rothchild have both publicly stated: “We Jews worship Satan”.

  2. “… the organized Jewish community in the United Kingdom is demanding…”

    Who the f%&k do these stinking kikes think they are – DEMANDING??? The ” organized Jewish community in the United Kingdom” needs to be gassed.

    In REAL gas chambers, with REAL gas this time.

    “These people have to be exposed and isolated – the future of our planet depends upon it.”


    Nothing less than total extermination will suffice.

    Do unto them BEFORE they do unto us.

    1. I think we ALL feel genuinely betrayed. This isn’t the country I was led to believe I was growing up in. Our parents were just as betrayed. Back further [turn of the century], I believe people were to busy surviving to worry about what some lying politicians in DC were doing.

      We’ve become too comfortable. That’s going to change shortly, then we’ll see who’s who in the zoo. A simultaneous planet wide purge of the khazarian joos would be most satisfying.

      We’re close, but the brain dead peckerheads are going to have to be made way more uncomfortable. That will cause a mess by itself. We’ll get population reduction one way or the other.

      I’m hoping next year will be a ‘good’ year for all American Nationals, messy as I think it’s going to be.

      Happy New Year #1 & Ryan. Good luck to us all………

  3. The fact that these kikes want the caller reported to the police is evidence for the truth of the caller’s statements.

    It also bears repeating that truth requires no support from government coercion. Lies do require that help, which is why Jews are always trying to get someone arrested for saying things they find offensive but can’t refute.

  4. The Jew will demand nothing!Your satanist loving asses belong buried in pig slop, your Manora worshipping days are numbered. You have taken everything from the American national, it’s payback time. Your demands fall on ears that want you crucified.

  5. After hearing and reading about all the sniveling and whining about whatever has their panties in a bunch for as long as I can remember I can also recall that I have never seen any “JEW” do any sort of hard manual labor, or any manual labor at all. What this amounts to is I’ve never ever seen any of these people do an honest day’s work like the rest of us. I can say the same about other groups too, but what I’ve always noticed is that while they don’t do any work that is apparent, they always seem to be calling the shots. Why is that? I’d really like to know.

    People do kiss their butts and worship them as God’s chosen people. That sounds a lot like a “MASTER RACE” to me if they are indeed divinely chosen. I don’t believe it. I think they are a fraud. I think that they have a belief system that is as squalid as the Muslims and really ARE COMMUNISTS by their very beliefs codified in THEIR Encyclopedia Jewdeica: “Communism is Jewish.”.

    They are only 8 million Jews in the USA Inc.. How did they end up running everything? How is that?

    1. Hey Ward, these joo son’s of bitches have a centuries old, tried and true method of lying, cheating, stealing their way to power and they are organized, you have to give ’em that.

      When one looks the world over, there’s not a lot of places that don’t wreak of joo stench. They are masters of deceit, it comes from centuries of practice.

      Look at the Israeli Art Students whose members included Mossad bomb experts. Examine the pictures with boxes and boxes of remote controlled fuses at WTC days before 911. They weren’t electricians but they sure had the wire and equipment. (Actually, it was plastic explosive with remote-controlled fuses set up like a demolition) Most are unaware of these details outlined in an article yesterday at FTTWR.

      Most no nothing of the Israeli attack on the Liberty. (Hush, hush)
      Most don’t understand the fraud the banksters pulled on all of us during 911.

      Evidence of the $2.3 trillion reported missing on 9/10/01 by Donald Rumsfeld was destroyed when WTC 7 went down. Good thing the budget analyst’s office had copies until the plane hit the budget analyst’s office at the Pentagon. YOU CAN’T MAKE THIS SHIT UP! Until we call them on everything they’ve done and make them pay, I will not have a restful night’s sleep.

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