6 thoughts on “Just Stop Oil protestors try to break the glass of the Magna Carta

  1. This plays like tragic comedy. And what was that tool she was hammering on? Well, whatever company manufactured that particular piece of “glass” has now seen its stock go through the roof.


    1. Hello galen, that tool looks a bit like an iron railroad tie spike. I chose this post to share the link below because I’m pretty sure everyone here has the hidden reasons for the Palestinian genocide figured out, and it all has to do with OIL. I like this video because it puts it all into one concise presentation and seems to confirm everything I have been learning from the broadcasts. It’s always been about the oil and plunder of resources belonging to the people who once lived peaceably together before the European Zionizts decided their god gave them every right to blow the Middle East to smithereens in the name of the Jews. Based on other information I gathered over the weekend, there were already Jews living there for centuries, among the Arabs and the Muslims, with no problems, no violence and none of the kind of death and destruction the Europeans brought with them, and used plundered American wealth to carry out. Anyway, I thought this journalist did a good job of laying it all out in an understandable way. I’ve also been seeing qite a bit of the pepper distancing itself from the fly shit lately. https://youtu.be/JTuGZ2MdKpU?si=MTL0DzsxNlSg420C

      1. Oil, yes. And that’s the capitalist side of Jewish communism. The zio side exaggerates it all with its 2030 objectives of rebuilding that infamous temple. It’s showing itself in the primitive ritual of sacrificing innocent red cows, and in how settler violence against Palestinians has escalated and become more cruel and sadistic. They’re wanting their own state and they want to call it the state of Galilee. Matters not if they kill or uproot any who have lived there for millennia. Just another stab to let the world know they’re in charge, or at least they THINK they are. So we got bankers and we got believers. Not ordinary bankers but bankers who steal, rob, plunder, kill. And not ordinary believers, but believers who think their god wants them to harm or kill anyone who stands in their way. I see these two sides reflected in the Biden/Trump circus. But humanity is rising. The circus tent is being blown away by the winds of truth. Forbearance had become belligerence as an angry world confronts this evil. May each know how to act.

        Aside, definition, belligerence: aggressive or warlike behavior


  2. ha ha ha—it’s the thought that counts

    I guess you are never too old to protest, but you also aren’t very effective

    2 old ladies trying to break the glass over the Magna Carta. No doubt that’s bullet proof glass.

    I don’t see how that could “STOP OIL” had they succeeded— but yes politicians regularly break the law… Like the recent antisemitism bill that’s totally unconstitutional. Legislating opinions is like beating a dead horse….or trying to break the glass over the Magna Carta. Politicians have no respect for the constitution or the Magna Carta….next time pick a better target. I hope there are no refineries near where they live. At least they had legible signs.

    1. Re: “the recent antisemitism bill that’s totally unconstitutional”

      The Constitution is an unlawful document, never ratified by the people and resulting in attempting to make the people subservient. What that antisemitism bill is is a violation of and infringement on our Article 1 of The Bill of Rights, the Freedom of Speech clause.


      1. Exhalted from on-high, “Hey everybody, see this bit of paper over here? This is YOUR constitution! It was written to protect your rights against tyrants! Guard it with your life & don’t ever let anyone take it away from you!”

        Whispered behind closed doors, “Great! Now we’ll keep them fighting among themselves forever & they’ll NEVER go back & look at their own document ever again! Bwahahahahahaha! Next on the list – we’ll make the Common Law courts disappear & we’ll be home & hosed!”

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