Justice Sotomayor Insulted By Criminal Labeling Of Illegal Immigrants

sotomayorThe Shark Tank – by Javier Manjarres

The not-so-qualified Supreme Court Judge President Obama appointed, Justice Sonia Sotomayor, recently spoke to a Yale University students telling them that she was insulted by the labeling of illegal immigrants as being criminals.

“I think people then paint those individuals as something less than worthy human beings and it changes the conversation.”-Justice Sonia Sotomayor  

Entering the U.S. illegally = Federal Crime

No one, not even Sotomayor can refute that crossing the U.S. border without proper documentation is crime, so calling these illegal immigrants criminals is technically accurate, right?

Now there is this no-brainer and obvious admission by Sotomayor.

During an interview with Judith Resnik, a Yale law professor, Sotomayor was asked to discuss her memoir ,”My Beloved World.”

The 59-year-old justice said she quickly left an interview to attend Harvard, feeling she didn’t belong. She said Yale students in the 1970s were talking about revolutions in Cuba and other countries while she had attended a Catholic high school where the monsignor supported the Vietnam War.

“This is too progressive for me,” she said of Yale, sparking laughter. “Yeah, strange, right?”

Read more at: http://www.shark-tank.com/2014/04/03/justice-sotomayor-insulted-by-criminal-labeling-of-illegal-immigrants/ | The Shark Tank

8 thoughts on “Justice Sotomayor Insulted By Criminal Labeling Of Illegal Immigrants

  1. What part of ILLEGAL ALIEN does she not understand? Being appointed by the usurper the Federal Judge should know Entering the U.S. illegally = Federal Crime. Has anyone seen her papers?

  2. I agree it is insulting to refer to criminals as immigrants.
    Pretty sure she didn’t mean that with her pc comment. She clearly condones criminal behavior. Is that aiding and abetting?

  3. Maybe JUST maybe this fat undereducated pig should consider how insulted we are that she sucked her way into where she is. We’re going to need braided ship rope for this one.

  4. Well I wonder if she would be offended by me calling her a criminal dyke bean-eating c#@t?

    Sorry for the language. most mexicants only know bad words.

  5. “insulted by the labeling of illegal immigrants as being criminals.”

    First of all, someone should hand that moron a dictionary, so she can understand that doing something “illegal” is what makes someone a “criminal.”

    Or better yet, find out if she’s “insulted” by a noose being dropped over her head.

    Do we really have time for fair trials? That will take decades, and as far as I’m concerned, the verdict is already in on these traitors.

  6. in past history we hung traitors

    today we elect them to government positions

    in a nut shell, thats whats destroying this republic

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