Kansas to allow concealed guns without permit

Bullet, gun ammunitionKETV 7 News

Kansas will join a handful of other states that allow their residents to carry concealed firearms without a permit after a bill backed by the National Rifle Association was approved, The Associated press reported.

Republican Gov. Sam Brownback is expected to sign the bill despite some lawmakers’ apprehensions about the state dropping its requirement that anyone seeking to carry a concealed firearm undergo at least eight hours of training. According to the NRA, Kansas would become the fifth state to allow concealed carry without a permit everywhere within its borders.  

The House approved the bill Wednesday on an 85-39 vote. The Senate passed it last month, but a House committee made a technical change that senators had to review. The Senate approved the bill 31-8 about two hours after the House’s vote.

The NRA says only Alaska, Arizona, Vermont and Wyoming allow guns everywhere in the state without a permit, though Montana allows it without a permit outside of cities, which is most of the state.

Brownback’s office didn’t tell the AP what his plans are, but he’s signed every other major gun-rights measure sent to him since taking office in January 2011.


2 thoughts on “Kansas to allow concealed guns without permit

  1. “Allow” is STILL an infringement, any way you look at it. They throw a few bones out to give the appearance of legitimacy to their communist treason, and the sheeple gratefully accept their tethers.

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