Karen Lewis: ‘Rich white people’ to blame for Chicago schools’ woes

Published on Jun 21, 2013 by eagfoundation

Read more at http://EAGnews.org

Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis claims “rich white people” are to blame for the city’s woeful education system and that white taxpayers don’t want to pay for the education of “black and brown children.”

6 thoughts on “Karen Lewis: ‘Rich white people’ to blame for Chicago schools’ woes

  1. I won’t lower myself to addressing her racist mentality and obvious stupidity, but lets just say that when you start to suffer the effects of your own laziness, it becomes necessary to find someone else to blame.

    I’ll just assume that “rich white people” are also responsible for her stuffing Doritos into her face until she weighed in at 600 pounds.

    The woman is obviously a lazy pig who does little other than stuff her fat face with anything chewable that can be trapped under one of her hooves, so why should her opinion mater to anyone?

    “Rich white people turned me into a stuffed pig, and rich white people are the reason I never learned to read, and rich white people are responsible for me being a criminal, and rich white people forced me to become a lazy dolt who stares into the TV all day, and rich white people are responsible for my stupid opinions, too.

    yeah, yeah yeah. We’ve heard it all before, and it’s always the same nonsense resonating from the same witless, lazy, bastards who refuse to do any goddamn work. Rich white people are to blame for me never wanting to get off my ass to do something productive.

    “I don’t be gettin’ me no job, because the white man be holdin’ me down”.

    It’s nice to be able to blame all of your failures as a member of society on someone else.

    And don’t blame your poverty on “white people” either, because there are nine times as many poor whites as there are poor blacks, and they DON’T riot, break things, or beat up old ladies for it. Could you imagine a group of poor white youths going “wilding”? No…. that’s only for the truly wild.

  2. Can’t watch the vid due to where I am viewing from. My original thought was how strange it is for someone to blame the unions! The comments seem supportive of that conclusion :p

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