Kiwi Land Grab: New Zealand’s Elite Plot Land Theft Under Climate Guise!



You will recall my discussions of how the elites — via their arms of government and big business — will move to steal land. I highlighted how in New Zealand the narrative of “managed retreat” was being bandied about and put forward by the parasites to prep the sheep for a shearing.

Preparing the cattle for the slaughter.

Not three weeks later, a submission letter was sent out to homeowners. As if they’d not already decided the outcome. The submission process is merely designed to give a facade of plausibility to the decisions already made.

Fast forward today, and we have this…

Mayor’s managed retreat idea divides council

The controversy arose about a suggestion to help fund managed retreat. It proposed converting freehold properties in areas designated to become unliveable in the future into long-term leasehold properties.

“The Crown would become the owner of the freehold land for a peppercorn rent and the owners would own the leasehold and continue to occupy the property,

The communists are pressing ahead regardless — because “climate change.”

Climate change is tough. You can’t win all round in this one. Managed retreat is confiscation of land, and it won’t be without full compensation.

What?! You didn’t know you can fix the climate by giving your property to the government? I know, I know, they can’t manage to deliver the mail, but they’ve got this one. No, really!

This was a way of making it a more equitable outcome with long term certainty. It’s also … just an idea, a suggestion to government.

Who doesn’t want an “equitable outcome and long term certainty?” Surely, you aren’t going to oppose that.

Not content with preparing to legislate the theft, they’ve already predetermined that one needs to house these poor folks who must move out of the country into a nice 15-minute city. This may require more pressure. How about increasing the cost of their transportation? You know, to fix the climate.

Tauranga traffic: Road-pricing idea could cost Pāpāmoa-CBD commuters $2428 a year

A congestion-busting idea to toll many of Tauranga’s main arterial routes has been labelled “ludicrous” and “unfair” by people who could be forced to pay more to drive to the supermarket.

Others worry it would push the cost of living higher and one business owner says it might prompt him to move.

In one scenario of how a variable road-pricing idea being considered by Tauranga City Council might work, commuting between the CBD and Pāpāmoa in peak hours five days a week could cost more than $2400 a year.

To put this into perspective, the median annual gross household income in the country is $115,000 ($86,000 after tax). So for a working couple, you’d be looking at $4,800 a year in after tax income or 5.5% of their income. This is before they pay for their car licence fee to the parasitic class, or the $0.89c per litre tax on fuel when they fill their car up.

The squeezing of the middle class, forcing them into serfdom is well underway.

The Wellington council using taxpayers dollars even has an entire section on how to think.

Climate change anxiety

Read it and weep. The entire thing (besides being written to target the intellectual level of a 10-year-old) reads as activist Marxist action points.

What can I say? Trouble ahead, unless (or until) folk wake up to this barrage of communist subversion Davos man will execute and conclude with their coup in New Zealand.

They’re certainly well on their way, and as far as I can tell almost nobody in the country even knows it is happening (while it takes place right under their noses), and furthermore, most simply don’t appear to care. The apathy is unbelievable.

Look, folks… when you see danger incoming the only reason to ignore it is cowardice or ignorance, and I am very sure that neither have good endings.

Source: Insider 285 by Capitalist Exploits (follow on Twitter)
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