Las Vegas Mass Shooting Eyewitness: There Were “Four To Five” Shooters Attacking Multiple Hotels

The Daily Sheeple – by Alex Thomas

As the official narrative surrounding the deadliest mass shooting in American history continues to unravel, multiple eyewitness accounts are starting to trickle in, with the latest being an extremely shocking and detailed account of an operation that included up to five different shooters targeting multiple hotels in Las Vegas.

Facebook user and eyewitness Gio Rios has sent shockwaves throughout the internet after he not only confirmed he was present during the attack, he presented a variety of details that are were either unpublished or have been denied by authorities and the mainstream media.  

“There was more than one shooter, I believe there were 4-5 shooters and I saw/heard 4 of them,” Rios claimed. “There was one of their men down in the concert who lit firecrackers either to distract people…. or to decoy the Mandalay Bay shooter breaking the windows out of the hotel without being noticed right away.”

That’s right, we now have another eyewitness publicly speaking about multiple shooters just as police originally stated (on the scanners). Keep in mind that other proof of some sort of false flag operation has also been revealed, including automatic gunfire heard at ground level.

“The first shooter was at the Mandalay Bay, then MGM Grand, and Excalibur/New York New York and Tropicana,” continued Rios. “These are confirmed by me personally and I believe that the shooter from Mandalay was shooting an LMG.”

Rios then goes on to provide what has to be the most detailed account of what may have happened to date, starting out by again noting that firecrackers were lit first in some sort of move to distract concert goers before the actual shooting began. He sadly details the horrific death all around him as he ran with his girlfriend to get out of harms way, noticing many people shot including a women with her head blown off.

“We then proceeded to an alleyway by the parking structure and saw muzzle flashes coming from the Excalibur and New York New York,” Rios revealed. Obviously if this is true it completely destroys the official story and paints a picture of a multiple person team using various hotels to attack concert goers from multiple angles.

Rios concludes by saying, “Las Vegas can’t afford to have people scared to travel to the strip that’s the main entertainment in Nevada, think about it. Why would they scare everyone and confess that there were multiple shooters when they have no clue who the active shooters actually are.”

This is an important statement because it proves that Rios himself isn’t some sort of conspiracy theorist that thinks this was a purposeful action carried out by rogue elements of our government. He seems to truly believe that this is a cover-up because authorities do not want to scare the American people.

You can read the entire eyewitness report here as Facebook has already been accused of deleting the post multiple times. It is a must read!

Note: This key eyewitness report comes amid video evidence that many believe proves that automatic gunfire was being sprayed into the crowd at ground level.

(Near the 49:50 mark you can hear the beginning of the ground level shots being fired.)

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Contributed by Alex Thomas of The Daily Sheeple.

Alex Thomas is a staff writer and reporter for The Daily Sheeple. Wake the flock up – follow Alex’s work at our Facebook or Twitter.

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7 thoughts on “Las Vegas Mass Shooting Eyewitness: There Were “Four To Five” Shooters Attacking Multiple Hotels

  1. Other than the one guy with the bloody arm and chest wound, I have yet to see any blood on the ground or bullet wounds. With four people shooting, you’d think there’d be blood splattered everywhere. The whole thing seems messed up.

  2. well it looks like the fiends that brought you the sandy hook soap dope opera are at it again…no bloody proof of any killings..hells bells I want to see the death certificates of all these so called deaths..cause they were all staged …again its all about gun control..and where was he ATF ..when this 64 year old pile of crap was buying all this ammo and a 13 month time bells or red lights went off??? I ask the adult questions..the children stick too this loan gunman crap..the whole thing stinks to high heaven..adelson selling all that stock weeks before..oh what a coincidence…

  3. Virtually EVERYONE has recording capability these days. Of all the thousands that were there, have we NO video yet of people actually being shot?

    That I find extremely hard to believe, considering how many YouTubers would ‘kill’ for such video to post.

    1. They had a practice run at Bataclan in Paris and none to show us from there either. Especially at popular events. I guess it’ll be released to us right after they release sandy hoax security video, pentagram video of 9/11, and an un-butchered video of JFK assassination and all pertaining documents. Starting to hold my breath beginning…NOW!

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