Las Vegas Shooting – FBI Final Report and Case Closed

Forbidden Knowledge TV

The FBI announced case closed this past Tuesday on the October 2017 the Las Vegas shooting, which left 58 people dead and over 800 injured. They produced a 3-page report that did not identify a motive or establish any forensic connection between the alleged weapons and any of the victims. Indeed, there has been no forensic proof presented by either the Las Vegas police or the FBI that the alleged killer Stephen Paddock was, in fact the killer.  

Noticeably missing from the report was any discussion of alleged killer Stephen Paddock’s chest wound or any evidence that the window in room 35-135 was broken before or during the attack.

Over 100 FBI agents were brought in from around the country to produce this 3-page report, that was even less detailed than the report produced by the Las Vegas Metro Police Department, which wrapped up its own investigation last August. Special Agent Aaron Rouse in charge of the Las Vegas Division of the FBI made a televised statement laden with comforting neurolinguistic programming phrases intended to reassure listeners but peppered with strange slips.

YouTuber John E. Hoover, whose channel has been dedicated solely to this historic case takes Rouse to task for the many questions that remain unanswered, such as the three helicopters seen on FlightRadar24 flying overhead of the attacks, not accounted for and not belonging to either the LVMPD or the two known services that fly out of the nearby airport. Hoover asks whether the time has come for a Congressional inquiry.

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