Lawsuit: Pennsylvania officer coerced 2 women into sex to avoid arrest

Trib Live

ASHLEY — Two women who said they were coerced into sex with a Pennsylvania police officer filed a federal lawsuit alleging he violated their constitutional rights.

Mark Icker, 29, of Dickson City is facing sexual assault, official oppression and related charges alleging he pressured the two women into performing oral sex on him to avoid arrest in December, the Citizens’ Voice newspaper reported.  

He is also charged with indecent assault for allegedly pulling down a third woman’s shirt and groping her after a traffic stop last June.

Icker worked as an officer in the police departments of Ashley, Sugar Notch and Jessup in Lackawanna County. He was suspended after charges were filed in December.

A message seeking comment from Icker’s lawyer was left Friday.

The first encounter detailed in the suit took place Dec. 2, when Icker pulled over a woman despite having no probable cause, the lawsuit alleged.

Icker handcuffed the woman and put her in his car while he searched her vehicle, finding a partially smoked marijuana cigarette, according to the suit.

Icker allegedly brought her to the police station and coerced her to perform oral sex on him in a bathroom, the suit contends.

According to a criminal complaint, after assaulting the woman, he talked about his wife and kids and complained that “marriage is boring” as he drove her back to her vehicle, the Times Leader has reported.

The complaint alleges he told her: “Sucks this is how we met. Hope to see you again.”

A few days later, the woman said the officer requested to connect with her on Snapchat, police said.

The next case took place following a traffic stop on Dec. 9. The complaint says that woman had not violated any traffic laws, yet Icker pulled her over, according to the Citizens’ Voice.

Icker handcuffed the woman and put her in his patrol car, then searched her car and found prescription medication, according to the complaint. Icker threatened to jail her for driving under the influence and asked, “How can you help me help you?” according to the complaint.

He brought the woman to a park and directed her to perform oral sex on him, the lawsuit alleges.

Attorneys for the women allege Icker recorded the sex assaults with a body camera he personally bought so he could repeatedly watch the “forced sexual encounters.”

They said they’re working with other possible victims of Icker and suspended Wilkes-Barre officer Robert Collins, who’s charged with demanding sex from four women to avoid arrest.

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