Lost: 7 US Geo-gaffes that should worry us all

An image grab taken from a propaganda video uploaded on June 11, 2014 by jihadist group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) allegedly shows ISIL militants gathering at an undisclosed location in Iraq's Nineveh province. (AFP Photo)RT

Everyone makes mistakes. Freudian slips, misspellings, we forget things…we’re all human. Therefore when the world’s most powerful army wants to ‘help out’ but can’t quite remember where, it should be a cause for concern.

A top US official said on Wednesday – ahead of President Obama’s announcement of the strategy to be taken against the Islamic State terrorrist group in Syria and Iraq, that “Saudi Arabia and Syria share an extensive border.” How do they plan to help the world fight terrorism…?

How “precise” can US air strikes against be when White House doesn’t know where Syria/Saudi Arabia is?

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Seems like ‘the Middle East’ exists as a name in order to skip over the boring details of its geography. “Syria is Iran’s route to the sea,” came the ominous warning from Presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

Former candidate, Senator John McCain, followed suit by admitting that the situation on the Iraq-Pakistan border will indeed require America’s thorough assistance.

Former Vice-President Dick Cheney confuses countries on a neighboring continent where the US has been involved for decades: “The people of Peru, I think, deserve better,” he said of the late Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez.

Mitt, again, with the Middle East: the West Bank borders “Syria or Jordan.”

The following happened first to George W. Bush, then to Sarah Palin, and then, Rick Santorum. Africa is a country, and that’s the end of it!

The possibility of islands tipping over and capsizing had to be included as a bonus. Courtesy of Congressman Hank Johnson…


3 thoughts on “Lost: 7 US Geo-gaffes that should worry us all

  1. Don’t forget Bush Jr. thinks Iranians are Arabs.

    Hey, while we’re at it, let’s add in Britney Spears famous quote: “I’ve been to overseas places like Canada.” 😯

    These people must have been the first group of politicians that they experimented Common Core education on.

    I guess we shouldn’t feel so bad. Look on the bright side, most Chinese people couldn’t tell you where Australia was on a map.

  2. By the way, Mitt Romney, the draft dodger, wouldn’t know the first thing about geopolitics or military warfare. He’s a plastic puppet Ken doll compared to Barry. It’s like saying a used car salesman knows how to run a military. Talk about insulting our intelligence. Pathetic.

  3. I knew they were dumb but this dumb? I wouldn’t have believed it if I didn’t see it. Who said people get the government they deserve? You guys don’t deserve this.

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