Man Is Reported By Facebook Group For Allegedly Selling Pickles & Green Beens. It’s Such A Serous Offense In America The Missouri Department of Health Contacted Him

By Wall Street Apes

“Alright. Now I’m f**king pissed, I’m gonna make a video about it. I got a call from Missouri Department of Health this morning saying that they got a complaint from somebody in a local Facebook community group saying that we sell pickles and green beans, which we do. We would sell pickles and green beans.

We haven’t sold any yet. But it pisses me off because what the f**k was America founded on? We’re getting ready to go into the 4th July to celebrate our independence and our f**king freedom. 2 days before that, I got a call from the health department says, no. You can’t sell the f**king products you make on your own farm.

That’s the whole goddamn America dream. We have we buy our own f**king land, we produce our own food, and we can sell our own food. That’s what f**king America was built upon. And now, we gotta have the f**king government come out and inspect it and have a commercial facility. Well, that’s f**king ridiculous.

I am absolutely the cleanest f**king person. Me and my wife are clean f**king people, and we make sure anything with food, we sterilize it, everything is absolutely clean. We even carry insurance to make sure that if you were to get sick, that we were covering you by our insurance. I don’t understand why the government has to get involved with all this sh*t or why they have so many laws and regulations. And whoever reported it, f**k you.

Buy your f**king canned green beans and your canned pickles. All that sh*t’s had f**king herbicides and pesticides on it. We offer a different solution that doesn’t have all those chemicals, doesn’t have preservatives. It’s all actually organic shit. So if you reported that, f**k you.

If you plan on ever reporting that, f**k you. And make sure you go to work on Thursday instead of celebrating the 4th July because you don’t deserve the f**king freedoms we got. That’s all I got. F**k the government.

4 thoughts on “Man Is Reported By Facebook Group For Allegedly Selling Pickles & Green Beens. It’s Such A Serous Offense In America The Missouri Department of Health Contacted Him

  1. The pickle man did no breaking of the law, our true law, but some a**hole just couldn’t have real free-enterprise going on behind Big Brother’s tax-extracting back.

    Snitching is especially contemptuous. It often has an element of spite to it. And it seems to delight in bringing down others. In this, the snitch reveals him or herself to be nothing less than a spy working for the government.


    1. Turn the snitch into a vegetable or compost, be something useful instead of a ratbastard scumbag. Happy 4th Trenchers.

  2. I can’t stop thinking of The Pickle Predicament. Damn it!! If I want to buy his pickles and green-beans, it ain’t nobody’s business. If I I want to risk salmonella or any other disease, that’s up to me. The trading, selling, and buying of life’s goods is between those who are trading, selling, and buying. They just want us all “in a pickle” (couldn’t resist) but we know how to unpickle if we choose to.


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