Marines deploy to Africa for crisis response mission

Mission Ready: New Crisis Response Marines continue operations in Africa, EuropeMarine Times – by James K. Sanborn

The latest contingent to support the Marine Corps’ unit responsible for responding to crises in Africa arrived in Spain this weekend for a six-month deployment.

More than 1,000 North Carolina-based Marines and sailors departed Jan. 2 for Móron, Spain, where they will become the latest to staff Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force-Crisis Response-Africa, according to a Marine news release. The unit is manned by infantry, logistics and aviation Marines on a rotating basis.  

This round, units include 2nd Marine Regiment and 2nd Battalion, 8th Marines, from Camp Lejeune; Marine Wing Support Squadron 272 and Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 266 from Marine Corps Air Station New River; and Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron 252from MCAS Cherry Point, the release states.

The Marines deployed with a dozen MV-22B Ospreys tiltrotor aircraft, four KC-130J Super Hercules aerial refueling tankers and one UC-12 Huron turbo-prop plane, which is a small aircraft often used for passenger and cargo transportation or medical evacuation.

While in Spain, the Marines will engage in international military exchanges and training exercises with partner nations. But their top priority is to stand ready to respond to unforeseen crisis on a moment’s notice, including calls for boosted security at an embassy or the evacuation of State Department personnel.

The Osprey and Super Hercules team has proven vital for land-based crisis response units. About a year ago, the special purpose MAGTF used KC-130s and MV-22s to slingshot Marines across the continent of Africa from their base in Móron to reach the embassy in Juba, South Sudan. With that country facing violent unrest, the unit led the operation to evacuate embassy personnel.

In July, two Ospreys from the crisis response force kept watch on a convoy during a ground evacuation of the U.S. Embassy in Libya as State Department personnel were moved across the border to Tunisia.

To prepare for their deployment, the Marines participated in a five-day exercise meant to simulate many of the unpredictable crisis response missions they could be called on to conduct. The exercise, held across North Carolina and Virginia, was meant to test commanders’ — and their troops’ — ability to operate across a widely dispersed area as they likely will in Africa.

During the exercise, which lasted 120 hours and concluded Dec. 18, Marines were tasked with delivering aid to a fictitious country following a simulated earthquake, according to a Marine news release. That required Marines to respond to instability in the wake of the natural disaster by evacuating a mock embassy, and working with role players.

Marines deploying in support of Black Sea Rotational Force, which is based out of Romania, also participated.

10 thoughts on “Marines deploy to Africa for crisis response mission

  1. I’m going out on a limb here to predict that these Marines are going to be sent to respond to an Ebola-related crisis, and then returned to the USA to spread the virus.

    They’ll be the carriers of the planned pandemic, real or imaginary.

      1. Common? No offense, Misty, but our marines have no business being there. It’s not our country and there’s no damn threat to us.

        1. No offense taken and I fully agree. My point is, there is no need to read doom into this. Bring back Ebola??? This is a common rotation…. been going on for many moons. I’m sure JD can validate this as well. Read this statement in the report please.

          “The unit is manned by infantry, logistics and aviation Marines on a rotating basis.”

  2. “While in Spain, the Marines will engage in international military exchanges and training exercises with partner nations.”

    I’m sorry, but why are our marines working with other countries? What happened to George Washington’s warning of “not engaging in foreign entanglements”?

    And what the hell do we care about AFRICA??? Anything to keep our soldiers away from protecting the people at home and getting them to contract diseases and destroy other countries abroad.

    These bastard elitists are gonna pay dearly.

    1. “I’m sorry, but why are our marines working with other countries? What happened to George Washington’s warning of “not engaging in foreign entanglements”?”

      It is more than Marines, it is Navy as well in this gig. So are you bashing the men and women who joined who have done good for other country’s? I would guess many have not served, there for don’t know shit about our military of past.

      “And what the hell do we care about AFRICA??? Anything to keep our soldiers away from protecting the people at home and getting them to contract diseases and destroy other countries abroad.”

      We give medical help and dental help abroad to places in need. I would rather my military do that than give money to Israhell!

      Since when does a man need the military to protect his country???? Step up unless the jacket doesn’t fit.
      No offense……….

      1. “We give medical help and dental help abroad to places in need.”

        Maybe so, but not unless the elites who are controlling our military are given something else in return.

        1. All good and well NC but I will stand by the Vets. Many did good deeds, do you listen to JD’s radio segment?

          Since when does a man need the military to protect his country???? Step up unless the jacket doesn’t fit.

          1. Sorry, Misty but my “jacket doesn’t fit” for today’s military. Nothing but a bunch of mercenaries as far as I’m concerned. Either that or they are severely misguided. I don’t see patriotism anywhere in the ranks. And it won’t “fit” me because no one gives a damn what I say and despite what people think, one man CAN’T really make a difference. It takes a group effort of individuals united under a common cause to make any real change. Even Washington needed help when crossing the Delaware and fighting the Hessians. It wasn’t just him alone.

  3. it’s an “anti-terror” operation to protect the gold, diamonds and uranium from terrorists (as they call the local people)

    there are well over 7 country’s who have sent pretty large numbers of troops to africa to fight either “boku haram” or ebola.

    have you seen any pictures???
    i think they are just carving up the resources like the mafia.

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