Texas Cop Fired After Tasing 76-Yr-Old For Driving With ‘Expired Tags’ That Were Perfectly Legal

Information Liberation – by Chris

It took almost a month, but the young punk cop who tasered a 76-year-old man for questioning his questionable traffic stop has finally been fired, the Victorian Advocate reports.

The cop, 23-year-old Nathanial Robinson suspected 76-year-old Pete Vasquez of driving a vehicle with expired tags. In fact, Vasquez was driving a new car, all of which are exempt from having fresh tags, which Vasquez pointed out at the time he was stopped. Rather than check the law, Robinson responded by violently attacking and tasing his elder, throwing him to the ground and tasing him twice before placing him under arrest.  

While the police chief criticized Robinson’s actions at the time and said they would investigate, no details nor follow up was released until just yesterday. Here’s an excerpt from their press release, which you can read in full here:

Chief Craig has announced the findings of the internal affairs investigation regarding Officer Nathaniel Robinson. Chief Craig has determined based on the evidence, that Officer Robinson violated three areas of policy and sustained allegations regarding violations of the following departmental policies.

1) Policy 0.216 – Conduct and Performance, Section 2.15
2) Policy 03.03 – Use of Force Section 1
3) Policy 0.0305- Arrest without a Warrant Section 3

Based on the findings of the administrative investigation, Nathaniel Robinson’s employment with the Victoria Police Department has been terminated.

Kudos to the police chief for doing what’s right, including for faulting the officer for his false arrest.

Frankly, I find it abhorrent the mere idea a 23-year-old young punk could think a badge and a gun gives him the right to boss around a 76-year-old man because he has “expired tags.”

It reminds me of a story about the late Steve Jobs. Jobs would buy a new car every six months to take advantage of a California law which makes youexempt from having to have a license plate for six months. Ever since I heard that story, I’ve thought about how any young punk rookie cop could pull over the great Steve Jobs and potentially put him through hell for not having a license plate, despite being entirely in the wrong.

The late H. L. Mencken believed government as an institution was a conspiracy devised by inferior human beings to rule over their betters. As he wrote back in the year 1919,

“All government, in its essence, is a conspiracy against the superior man: its one permanent object is to oppress him and cripple him. If it be aristocratic in organization, then it seeks to protect the man who is superior only in law against the man who is superior in fact; if it be democratic, then it seeks to protect the man who is inferior in every way against both.”

As one who chronicles stories of government abuse, which is mostly carried out by low-grade morons such as officer Robinson, this strikes me as accurate.

Of course, in the case above, there’s a good chance Robinson will be rehired, with back pay, once his moron protection agency, a.k.a. the police union, files an appeal to get him his job back.

Chris runs the website InformationLiberation.com, you can read more of his writings here. Follow infolib on twitter here.


9 thoughts on “Texas Cop Fired After Tasing 76-Yr-Old For Driving With ‘Expired Tags’ That Were Perfectly Legal

  1. The question you have to ask is “what the hell is wrong with this sick bastard that allows him to taser a 76 year-old man”? I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror if I did that. They’re really scraping the bottom of the psychopath barrel to find cops.

    And what the hell is wrong with the author: “the great Steve Jobs” ?

    The whole world’s gone mad.

  2. “Chief Craig has determined based on the evidence, that Officer Robinson violated three areas of policy and sustained allegations regarding violations of the following departmental policies.

    1) Policy 0.216 – Conduct and Performance, Section 2.15
    2) Policy 03.03 – Use of Force Section 1
    3) Policy 0.0305- Arrest without a Warrant Section 3”

    Funny, the Round Rock cops did the same thing to me and got away with it and many other officers killed many other people around the country as well because they violated these “policies” among many others. I guess it’s OK because we weren’t a 76 year old man.

    Besides, he’ll be hired somewhere else down the road. That’s usually how it goes. No jail time for him. Also notice how the other officers immediately corner the witness up against the wall when they arrive. Talk about a gang of wolves.

    1. Yes, he’ll just be hired somewhere else and relocate. (I wouldn’t be surprised if it was Round Rock.)

  3. By the way, isn’t it against police policy to be listening to rap music in your squad car because it is a distraction and interferes with radio reception and response time for emergencies?

    I know it was when I did a police ride-a-long in 2002 in Buffalo, NY as the officers told me that when I asked them if they were allowed to put on the radio or music. I guess that policy, too, has been done away with or has no meaning for pig cops.

  4. Where do we live where this is considered a victory?

    Why is EVERY person who reads this headline shocked?

    How many of you needed to re-read the headline to verify he WAS FIRED? I did!

    1. Why do I never walk up to these scenes? If I ever do then the Communist Cop takes several coppers or leads to the head. There was at least two men that were there and if they were armed they could have.

  5. It is a Nation wide problem in America. In no way is this a isolated event. The police in Springfield beat my Dad in his 70s for just walking back to his car with a IL. Times and a shoppers guide. And were to apologise under orders of there Boss. But never showed up to do so. So they have no respect for even those over them as police in America left. But want the public to respect them and help them. We see the same problem in New York City. A force of rouge cops doing any thing they want any time they want and being allowed to still be cops in America. Such would be fired on the spot in most Countries and never work as police again.

  6. This is what I’ve been saying. I’m no longer an easy target, they can’t lie and get me to incriminate myself so they can “hunt and gather” more revenue. But Grandma is easily confused. Expect Grandma and Grandpa to be the new target of people afraid of everything else.

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