Six mass graves features the remains of dozens of Palestinians killed during the Israeli-Arab war of 1948, when the Jewish state was founded have been uncovered in the Jaffa district of Tel Aviv.
An official at the Muslim cemetery there told AFP that the grisly find happened on Wednesday when ground subsided as builders carried out renovation work.
In 1948 Jaffa was a Palestinian town but there was an exodus of most of its Arab population when it fell to the fledgling Israeli army and right-wing Jewish militias.
Researcher and historian Mahmoud Obeid, a Jaffa resident, told As-Safri newspaper: ‘We discovered six mass graves, two of which we dug up. Our estimate is that they contain around 200 bodies, with an unknown additional number in the other graves.
‘The remains belong to people of different ages, including women, children and the elderly, some of which bear signs of violence.’
A local fisherman Atar Zeinab, 80, said that as a teenager during the final months of fighting in 1948 he helped to collect the Arab dead in the area south of Jaffa.
They were then brought for a quick burial in the cemetery, the area’s main graveyard.

‘I carried to the cemetery 60 bodies during a period of three or four months,’ he told AFP. ‘We used to find the people in the street and most of the time we didn’t know who they were.’
He said that the danger of being hit by flying bullets or grenade fragments was such that bodies were dumped one on top of the other in existing family crypts in the cemetery, contrary to Muslim custom.
‘We carried them early in the morning or in the night. We put women, children and men in the same place… nobody prayed for these people.
In 1950 Jaffa was incorporated into Tel Aviv, and was renamed Tel Aviv-Jaffa. It now a mixed Arab and Jewish population.
Around 760,000 Palestinians fled or were forced from their homes in the Israeli-Arab war of 1948.

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Time for another weepy holocau$t story.
What say we all go out and rent the movie Exodus. Or perhaps watch the new History channel mini-series Up With Jews. It’s a great eye opener. It shows us why killing helpless women, children and elderly is really self defense.In it I think Ben-Gurion was quoted saying “but the kids had slingshots and, and rocks and…one had a pointed stick for crissake…and that old woman? She gave us a really menacing stare..what else could we do?”
Everyone has a skeleton in the closet, but Israel has quite a few graveyards.
Killing human beings has been the goal of Israel since it’s very beginning. Seems Israel only wants only Israeli’s to inhabit the entire earth. KILL, KILL, KILL!!!!
My Fellow Americans:
This is technically called, “Evidence Of War Crimes” ,… by Israel (…surprise, surprise), AGAINST helpless women, children and the elderly.
I wonder how this fits into John Kerry’s latest statement about Syria’s SELF-DEFENSE S-300’s are a threat to Isreal (????).
I’m going to bet there will NOT be any ICC (International Criminal Court,… The Haig) investigation,… Israel will NOT be found of War Crimes, and it certainly will NOT be found guilty of Crimes Against Humanity or Genocide.
Hmmmmm,…. Are we seeing a pattern here of Israeli Mass-Murder once again going unanswered?
I think so.
JD – US Marines – Amadinejad never actually said Isreal should be wiped from the face of the planet,.. but I will say it,.. for the good of all humanity!
Couldn’t this be classified as evidence of genocide? Perhaps I’m an optomist, but I feel/hope/pray that Israel can’t hide these crimes forever. Some day there will be a reckoning. I truely believe when Karma comes to Israel…she is going to be a very angry bitch.
Israel is a she?
. . .
My apologies to women everywhere Cathleen. I stand corrected. Ummm It? I used “she” in a generic reference to a country. I truely meant NO disrespect to the fairer sex. Am I forgiven? (grin)
How do you say holocaust in Arabic? I hope pals pursue this to get answers. Let’s see what story is conjured by world organized Jewry in response, I bet it would be fantastical and laughable.
Don’t know how you say ‘holocaust’ in Arabic, but in English it’s pronounced $$$$$$$$$
Holohoax is a much better fitting title.
As well as totally accurate.
Its the same thing you find all over eastern Europe.
You don’t find mass graves of jews there but there
sure are a lot of dead Germans in mass graves.
“The jew cries out in pain even as he strikes you.”
Without having the graves analysed it would appear premature to classify the remains, however it is highly unlikely that the remains are of Jews, the location and disrespect shown to the bodies takes care of that fact! No, the DNA will confirm the origin of the folk who were buried, and once again the evidence will lead directly back to the Zionist/Jewish entity that is Israel, a country founded on blood and violence, lies and deception. The sooner the world recognises the fact that the plague of Zionism is what infects the world the better, even the Jews themselves recognise this, why else would they enact that pathetic London Declaration with its 34 commandments telling people what to think and say about Jews.