Massive Homemade 12 Gauge Revolver

12_gauge_revolver-tm-tfbThe Firearm Blog – by Steve Johnson

A Brazilian drug dealer was captured earlier this month along with his gigantic homemade 11 lbs revolver. The revolver chambers five 2.75″ 12 gauge cartridges. This dealer went with a traditional revolver look, rather than the tacti-cool styling of the infamous Taiwanese 12 gauge revolver.  

It is sad that the drug dealer, or whoever made his gun, needed to resort to crime rather than putting their considerable talents to good use in the legitimate gun industry, especially in Brazil, home of the 28 gauge Taurus Tracker.

[ Many thanks to Eduard for emailing me the photos. ]

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One thought on “Massive Homemade 12 Gauge Revolver

  1. I’ve shot a 12 gauge before. It gives a surprisingly strong kick! This handgun would be so violent for the shooter that he would not like shooting it and would flinch as he pulled the trigger hitting nothing. That’s my guess anyway. The guy who built it probably has a 2 inch pecker and drives a Ford Dually and has “Little Man Syndrome”.

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