McCain All In and Doubled Down On Stupidity of the American People

Before It’s News – by Joseph Zrnchik

The US Senate, supposedly America’s more deliberative body, has proven to be the quickest to jump on the war bandwagon.  In the case of voting for the bombing of Syria, it has instead proven to be the most isolated, knee-jerk, warmongering, war-profiteering and least accountable political institution consisting of elected officials.

With US Representatives’ terms being two year and senators’ term being six years, we can all now see how the additional length of a senator’s term can isolate him or her from representing the people and instead allow them to serve the interests of the warfare state, the surveillance state and the police state.   

The US senate equals the Roman Senate in all of its hubris, corruption, imperial aggression and mendacity.  And, given the short attention span of voters, a newly elected senator can put six years between himself and his helping to place Americans in harm’s way for interests that have nothing to do with national defense. Add in to this insulation of unaccountability the anonymity of being able to hide behind the institution itself while saying one vote did not make any difference, and you have a perfect storm for arrogance and corruption embodied in people like John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Diane Feinstein, Jeff Sessions, Marco Rubio and Dan Coats.

It is no secret that US senators are heavily invested in the military-industrial complex.  They make no apologies for imperial and colonial wars and seek every opportunity to serve the interests of the ruling elite over the interests of middle class’s desire to accumulate wealth and preference for a foreign policy that promotes peace and stability.  It is clear that the senate represents hegemony, imperial ambition, greed and foreign domination.

While the senate serves the interests of the elite, in doing so they also serve their own interests because they are the elite, they are the powerful, they own a large portion of the military-industrial complex while also raking in donations for serving the interests of the corporate and banking elite.  When was the last time a senator like the individuals named above authored some legislation that protected the US Constitution, defended Americans’ liberty or safeguarded Americans from being gouged by a government-corporate alliance seeking to generate a new revenue stream?  This does not even begin to scratch the surface of their expansion of government power or represent the extent to with they profit from their own laws and regulations, nor does it take into account their willingness to have Americans fight and die or be maimed in foreign lands.

The biggest way senators make money is that they are involved in insider trading.  They, as a regular and guaranteed method of acting, can be counted on to create legislation that protects corporations from criminal, civil and tax liabilities while expanding  government power and eroding individual liberty.

Senators’ decisions make and break corporations, provide bailouts and subsidies, and create “markets” that derive their profits primarily from taxpayers’ dollars.  While doing all this, senators are exempt from insider trading laws and are allowed to sell off or sell short corporate stock on corporations they have decided to burden or destroy.  They are also allowed to purchase stock in companies who stand to profit obscenely from legislation they authored that gives rise to new and protected markets.  They regularly obstruct tax, civil and criminal liabilities for favored corporations that are connected to the powerful or for which they hold millions in stock.  We can see the many dozens of corporations that have gotten hundreds of millions of dollars in contracts as part of the Department of Homeland Security and the new intelligence apparatus that essentially creates a bureaucracy that rivals the Pentagon.

While the Senate creates buildings that occupy acre upon acre of office space to spy on every single American’s email, text messages, cell and phone calls, we have seen the senate vote to support what a news story by the Washington Post exposed as being:

* Some 1,271 government organizations and 1,931 private companies working on programs related to counterterrorism, homeland security and intelligence in about 10,000 locations across the United States.

* An estimated 854,000 people, nearly 1.5 times as many people as live in Washington, D.C., holding top-secret security clearances.

* In Washington and the surrounding area, 33 building complexes for top-secret intelligence work are under construction or have been built since September 2001. Together they occupy the equivalent of almost three Pentagons or 22 U.S. Capitol buildings – about 17 million square feet of space.

* Many security and intelligence agencies do the same work, creating redundancy and waste. For example, 51 federal organizations and military commands, operating in 15 U.S. cities, track the flow of money to and from terrorist networks.

* Analysts who make sense of documents and conversations obtained by foreign and domestic spying share their judgment by publishing 50,000 intelligence reports each year – a volume so large that many are routinely ignored.

This new intelligence apparatus represents only the small intelligence tip of the military-industrial complex’s iceberg of submarines, battleships, aircraft carriers, rockets, missiles, tanks, artillery, training areas, all US bases and an additional 1000 military bases in another 120 countries.  We still have not even accounted for foreign aid for which the elite have taken money from the poor in this country to give to the elites in other countries, nor have we mentioned the additional hundreds of billions of dollars wasted at the US State Department in other programs.

So, we see that absolute power has corrupted the institution known as the US Senate and all one need do to understand the concept of moral hazard is watch Senator McCain as he played online video poker during the US Senate’s run-up to voting for more war in Syria.  Senator McCain, when exposed having done this by the nation’s usually obsequious media, laughed and stated the worst part of this episode was that he lost thousand of dollars while betting on a poker hand.  He literally placed bets on his cell phone during a Senate session in which he promoted war with Syria. Mind you that Senator McCain has already spent the previous decade war-profiteering in opposition to al Qaeda while now advocating American support of al Qaeda in the war the are waging war against Syria.

I guess McCain needs the excitement of betting money considering his votes for war always lead to a sure thing, that being obscene profits from promoting and voting for wars of aggression.  The media often covers for McCain’s incompetence as he promotes himself as a foreign policy guru.  Yet, if one looks at his foreign policy credentials, at first glace you will see he has blindly votes at every single opportunity for intervention that leads to open ended war.  When asked in-depth questions about his foreign policy,  McCain has shown he does not even have a rudimentary understanding of the goals of various groups or the hostilities between major regional players for whom he advocates war against or in support thereof.

McCain has hidden his incompetence behind his bravado of flying off to some Muslim land to speak with some slice element of jihadists so as to fool Americans with his war propaganda.  It is clear he has no more understanding of foreign policy or geo-political issues than he does economics.  And with regard to economics, I will leave you with McCain’s comments in reply to being called out by U.S. Representative Ron Paul as McCain ran for the presidency and while during which time he was on the campaign trail sang the popular Beach Boy’s song “Barbara Ann” and substituted the words “Bomb Iran”.

I guess it is soothing on McCain’s soul to have such an ignorance of economics and foreign and military policy as he promotes more wars that threaten to collapse an already faltering economy struggling from a decade-long contrived Global War on Terror.  Major experts on American foreign policy have described it as schizophrenic and incoherent, now we know why.   Here is McCain’s Palinesque genius on economics:

And if you need proof about his absolute ignorance regarding war and foreign policy at even a most basic level of understanding, see his comments and roasting by Bill Maher:


To see how McCain distracts himself from the mundane tasks of promoting war and advocating WWIII watch him play video poker during senate debates:

McCain thinks Putin is President of Germany

McCains promises no war with Russia, China or Iran

Hence, the US has powerful people willing to sacrifice Americans’ lives with senate votes based on ignorance, propaganda, lies, corruption, greed, stupidity and unaccountability as they amuse themselves with video poker during decision-making debates that threaten to lead to death or ruin for millions and possibly cause WWIII.  If we add in the destruction and criminality involved in supporting Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity, we have a mixture of political Kool Aide being offered to the American people that will prove to be toxic.  It seems the US House of Representatives has it correct on Syria this time and is finally representing the interests of the American people.

8 thoughts on “McCain All In and Doubled Down On Stupidity of the American People

  1. Hey McStain, go back to playing poker on your cell phone, you freaking pokerfaced, Zionist ball licking, traitorous, scumbag wackjob. Shut your face and bow down to your AIPAC masters.
    Hopefully, through the help of the NSA, he will get this message.
    This message was brought to you by Real Patriots, American Nationals and by the letter T and the number 3.

      1. Lol Digger…I put a little Sesame Street in there at the end. Since McStain obviously only has a few brain cells left in his head, we all should treat him like he is in kindergarten.

        1. Very fitting for mc cain 🙂 I bet mc cain is a faithful Sesame follower 🙂 . Yes, this “big bird” is for mc caine

        2. But can those without a heart have a brain? We’ll find out soon enough….. 😉

          Hey Dig, Peak has a new one out.

          1. Really, I have been watching for a new one by Mr. Peak crackers but it has been a while. Thanks for the heads up James K. 🙂

  2. If this clown can’t even win at video poker, what the hell business does he have being in a REAL high-stakes game?

    (although we all know this is no game, just a figure of speech)

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