Meet the 10-year-old ‘drag kid’ taking over social media with inspiring message


Desmond Napoles is a smart, self-assured and talented 10-year-old on the rise as a social media star and self-proclaimed “drag kid.” Known as “Desmond Is Amazing” online, the Brooklyn fifth-grader has already been profiled in Vogue and hopes to continue promoting acceptance. NBC’s Kate Snow reports.

7 thoughts on “Meet the 10-year-old ‘drag kid’ taking over social media with inspiring message

  1. As a young child he would sit with his mom and watch drag queens on tv. Sounded to me like it was the mom that was actually watching them and he’d sit with her and watch.

    Freaky weird.

    1. Exactly what struck me odd, Katie. SHE is instrumental in his brainwashing and he’s definitely got all his shots, to boot. His psyche is a combination of in utero drugs, vaccines, antipsychotic meds and media .

  2. What happens when the kid realizes that he/she has been screwed by an artificial societal meme and ends up hanging from a doorknob in some cheap motel room?

  3. The video doesn’t work here, but I don’t really think I’m missing much.

    By sexualizing a ten year-old they’re promoting pedophilia and transgenderism at the same time.

    The other drag-queen celebrity was seven or eight.

    Why don’t they show us some adult drag queens? Because once you reach adulthood, men look real silly dressed in women’s clothing. Very few are “passable” (meaning they can actually pass for females), most are laughable.

    With prepubescent kids, it’s all about the clothing, and I’m sure the pedophiles are loving the show.

  4. That sick sick smile on that whore as she noddingly approves the message she sends to amerika…ugh. ..smfh. Nauseating and violence inducing.

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