Members Of Congress Awkwardly Sway, Sing And Hold Hands

Daily Caller – by Chuck Ross

Some members of a bi-partisan group of congressional leaders appeared extremely uncomfortable during the song portion of an event held Tuesday.

The group, which consisted of Rep. John Boehner, Sen. Harry Reid, Sen. Mitch McConnell, Sen. Carl Levin, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Marcia Fudge and Rep. John Lewis, awarded the Congressional Gold medal posthumously to Martin Luther King Jr. and his wife, Coretta Scott King.  

The medal was given to mark the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The delegation sang “We Shall Overcome,” an anthem of the civil rights movement. During the singing, the audience and the congressional delegation crossed arms and held hands with their neighbor while swaying, in what appeared to be an awkward scene.

House Minority Leader Pelosi seemed upbeat during the song, compared to some of her colleagues. Senate Minority Leader McConnell eeked out a smile, while Senator Majority Leader Reid showed glimpses of unease.

Each member of the congressional delegation spoke after the song.


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17 thoughts on “Members Of Congress Awkwardly Sway, Sing And Hold Hands

  1. Just another example of the “mob” working in unison
    What’s more important ?
    Honoring a socialist, or working to fix the errors this
    Republic faces today.
    Errors, of course, which they’ve created and allowed.
    Just more dog and pony show.
    I remember after 9/11 when they all gathered on the
    steps of the capital to sing God Bless America.
    Talk about hypocrisy ……….
    If God had struck them all down at that very moment,
    that would have been an excellent example of poetic justice.
    These creatures are only in it for what they and their
    kind can get out of it …and that’s all the loot they can carry.

    1. Yes Katie, my stomach got a little “queasy” watching that god awful video. Makes you want to take an AK and just start spraying.

  2. Strange way to hold hands. A body language specialist could probably enlighten us to the “hidden” meaning of crossed arms. I’m no body language expert but I mostly remember seeing “Kumbya” groups singing “We shall overcome…” with the arms down by the sides. This has got to mean something weird.

  3. I think it’s pretty obvious. The false left reaching to the false right and the false right reaching to the false left. The traitors, united and joined in their duplicity.

    1. Indeed, traitors all. The X (crossed arms) is also a symbol in modern freemasonry for the antichrist, and there are 7 of them with their arms crossed. “The 7 knows that nothing is exactly as it seems and that reality is often hidden behind illusions,” from

  4. This has got to be the most unbelievable video I have ever seen. Mitch McChicken, John Bonerhead, Carl Lenin, Nancy Poleupherasski, and the rest of the Grand Traitors all doing what had to be a symbolic gesture to their Lord, Satan. Lunch was served. Niggertoes with deep fried children’s fingers! Ummm, Ummmm!

    1. Is this an MK Ultra mind-controlling program in action? Remember … their Peace means War and not Peace as you and I know it to be.
      . . .

  5. Bahahahaa!!! This is hilarious!

    John Boehner looks like he’s about to ready to run and telling himself, “Are we done yet?”.

    Harry Reid looks like he’s telling himself, “I’m so gonna kill these F***ing people for what they did to me in Nevada!”.

    Nancy Pelosi is smiling and looks like she saying to herself, “I don’t know what I’m doing here, but this is FUN!”

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