Mish: If The US Has A Goal In Ukraine Or Israel, What The Hell Is It?

By TYLER DURDEN – Zerohedge

The US has already given Ukraine $75 billion. Biden wants another $100 billion for Ukraine and Israel. What exactly is the mission?

It seems to me that if we are going to give foreign nations hundreds of billions of dollars, we ought to have defined goals and a method of achieving them.

White House Announcement

In a White House Announcement on October 20, here are Remarks by President Biden on the United States’ Response to Hamas’s Terrorist Attacks Against Israel and Russia’s Ongoing Brutal War Against Ukraine

“You know, history has taught us that when terrorists don’t pay a price for their terror, when dictators don’t pay a price for their aggression, they cause more chaos and death and more destruction. They keep going, and the cost and the threats to America and to the world keep rising. ”

Lovely, But What’s the Goal?

Dear Mr. President, your statement sounds lovely. But what is the mission? What is the goal? How long are we willing to keep funding Ukraine and Israel to get it?

Biden says he supports a two-state solution. O.K.If that’s the idea, then why are we handing out hundreds of billions of dollars with no strings attached?

Over the years, the US has given Israel about $130 billion. What, if anything, do we have to show for it?


“For 75 years, NATO has kept peace in Europe and has been the cornerstone of American security.  And if Putin attacks a NATO Ally, we will defend every inch of NATO which the treaty requires and calls for.”

That sounds lovely too, except to thinking individuals. By the way, how much is Germany contributing to NATO?

Germany is about 960 miles from Ukraine, by road. The US is 5,600 miles away by plane.

Why is it that the US is providing nearly all the aid to Ukraine and Israel?

What Price Do We Pay?

The US has no readily discernable mission statement other than Biden’s comments to make terrorists and Putin pay a price.

What price are we willing to pay to make Putin pay a price? $200 billion? $500 billion? A trillion? Unlimited? For what precise goals? When?

Biden’s statements may sound pretty unless you really ponder the implications: We are handing out hundreds of billions of dollars for wars that are essentially none of our business, with no strings attached.

We deserve answers. But don’t expect any.

The US spent trillions of dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan without ever having a stated mission, goals, or an end game. Afghanistan lasted 20 years. US military is still in Iraq.

And here we go again.

Meanwhile, Biden’s Democratic Coalition is Splintering Over Israel and the Economy

Also, please see Five Alarm Bell – Biden Trails Trump in Five of Six Battleground States

If Biden goes down in flames over this, at least will have gotten something for our money.

One Question Answered

Meanwhile, please note we do have an answer to a question I asked previously.

Q: How long are we willing to keep funding Israel with no strings attached?

A: Indefinitely, of course.

The US industrial military complex will settle for nothing less. And the best way to ensure “indefinitely” lasts for 20 years or longer is to not have a clear mission or clear goals.

7 thoughts on “Mish: If The US Has A Goal In Ukraine Or Israel, What The Hell Is It?

  1. Mitch McConnel already said it. …that moneys not going to Ukraine It’s being spent here in the United States. On the Military Industrial Congressional complex Israel is different That pimple of a country gets whatever they want. If they don’t, heads roll in congress.

    1. Yep like the new Raytheon building that was just built in my city that no one asked for, needed nor wanted.

      Wish someone would wipe that building out.

  2. Sneaky title on this article, but as you progress to the end of it, disguised but there, the last sentence reveals it to be a partisan polka covertly waving a Triumphant Trump flag. SNEAKY and SLY.


    1. “Let us now turn our stern attention to the killers, who revel in the slaughter of their victims whose land they have stolen, whose children they have murdered, whose lives they have plundered for the past 77 years. The despicable Israelis, whose philosophy is swindle first, murder later. These are the same demons who have poisoned the wells of the world, who have defrauded the governments of all nations, who have polluted the minds of the people … Thus the silence in our souls is deafening as the future, whatever might be left of it, tries hard to avoid remembering a civilization and a people that could not love itself, and killed with endless enthusiasm everything it could have loved, had it just stopped and listened to the lies it chose to believe.”
      — John Kaminski, ‘Let’s Get Rid Of These Monstrous Murderers,’ 11/7/23


  3. “I hate every gdamn fkng second of this. … Some nights I see dead kids when I close my eyes. There’s a phenomenon called the Tetris effect where if you play the classic puzzle video game a lot you start seeing the colorful digital blocks in your mind’s eye when the lights are out. For me it’s dead Palestinian kids. That’s just my life now … even if it turns out nothing we do can stop the slaughter in Gaza, it’s still important to bear witness to it. You feel a responsibility, just as a human being on this planet, to keep your gaze fixed on what’s happening and to not look away. It feels… sacred. The responsibility, I mean … this responsibility to witness the mass atrocity in Gaza with eyes wide open. It’s a sacred duty that we have to our species. … We’re all engaging in a very simple act of defiance by bringing attention and awareness to the very last thing the powerful want our attention and awareness on, one pair of eyes at a time. So we keep our gaze fixed on Gaza. No matter how much it hurts. No matter how horrifying it gets. No matter how much we cry. No matter how often we slump over and feel like we can’t do it anymore. We keep our gaze fixed on Gaza. Because what else can we do? Nothing else feels right. Nothing else feels responsible.”
    — Journalist Caitlin Johnstone, 11/7/23


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