Mitt Romney, Scott Brown Call For NH Police Commissioner To Resign For Calling Obama ‘Nigger’

110223_romney_brown_ap_328Pat Dollard

Excerpted from The Boston Herald: The Wolfeboro, N.H., police commissioner who has stood by his comment calling President Obama a racial slur is facing a growing cascade of calls to step down, including from the tiny lakeside town’s most famous summer resident — one-time Obama opponent Mitt Romney.

“The vile epithet used and confirmed by the commissioner has no place in our community,” the former Bay State governor, who owns a home in the popular Granite State vacation spot, said in a statement to the Herald. “He should apologize and resign.”  

Commissioner Bob Copeland, who is white, has thus far refused to resign — or even apologize — after he admitted calling Obama the N-word in an exchange overheard by another resident at a restaurant in March.

Copeland attended a packed police commission meeting Thursday where more than 100 people reportedly showed up, many to denounce the 82-year-old’s comment as the spotlight grew on the Lake Winnipesaukee resort town.

“I believe I did use the ‘N’ word in reference to the current occupant of the Whitehouse,” Copeland said in an email to his fellow members of the three-person police commission, according to The Associated Press. “For this, I do not apologize — he meets and exceeds my criteria for such.”

The pressure on Copeland to step down only intensified yesterday, with Romney — who lost to Obama in the 2012 presidential election — and other officials condemning his choice of words, which local leaders decried as an inaccurate reflection of the community. Elizabeth Guyton, a spokeswoman for Scott Brown, who is running for the GOP New Hampshire Senate nomination, wrote in an email, “Scott Brown believes Commissioner Copeland’s comments were reprehensible and he should resign.” Keep reading


9 thoughts on “Mitt Romney, Scott Brown Call For NH Police Commissioner To Resign For Calling Obama ‘Nigger’

  1. Look at this slowly — the guy’s 82 years old, and was probably wanting to retire sometime before he kicked the bucket anyway.

    By this act he created a huge media distraction, and he reinforces Holder’s claims that anyone who doesn’t like Obama is a racist.

    I’m not saying it was definitely a contrived event, but it may have been, and it serves the purposes of the propaganda machine nicely.

  2. It is too bad that morons use the word ‘nigger’ and have no idea what the word means. I believe commissioner Bob knew what context he meant it in but the PC and libtards want to foment race wars here in the US. The biggest racist in America is our Attorney General Holder who misses no opportunity to forward division among the races. Here is the definition:


    Usage note
    The term nigger is now probably the most offensive word in English. Its degree of offensiveness has increased markedly in recent years, although it has been used in a derogatory manner since at least the Revolutionary War. The senses labeled Extremely Disparaging and Offensive represent meanings that are deeply insulting and are used when the speaker deliberately wishes to cause great offense. It is so profoundly offensive that a euphemism has developed for those occasions when the word itself must be discussed, as in court or in a newspaper editorial: “the n-word.”
    Despite this, the sense referring to a “black person” is sometimes used among African Americans in a neutral or familiar way. The sense referring to other victims of prejudice, especially when used descriptively, as to denounce that prejudice, is not normally considered disparaging—as in “The Irish are the niggers of Europe” from Roddy Doyle’s The Commitments —but the other uses are considered contemptuous and hostile.

    1. Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive.
    a. a black person.
    b. a member of any dark-skinned people.
    2. Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. a person of any race or origin regarded as contemptible, inferior, ignorant, etc.
    3. a victim of prejudice similar to that suffered by blacks; a person who is economically, politically, or socially disenfranchised.

    Re-read definition #2. So, you decide whether he improperly used the word. As far as I am concerned it was the appropriate word for despicable human being who occupies the White House and governs USA INC., along with the Vatican, the Square Mile in London. The Rothschilds, Warburgs, Schiffs and the diamond king. So suck it up you libtards and go hang yourselves. Remember there are Cuban, White, Black and Mestizo niggers. I believe Jesus is going to zap all the niggers when he returns. Those who make men an offender for a word are the real prejudiced assholes, hypocrites and self righteous bafoons.

  3. First… I have no sympathy for politicians BUT..

    Watch this (if you can) and understand why Romney is innocent.

    I believe in free speech…. and I believe in REAL education….

    This country is in very deep trouble.

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