Mob Attack On Family Caught On Camera


LOUISVILLE, Kentucky — Kentucky police are investigating a string of alleged assaults by a group of teens. One of the teens was caught on camera.

A woman says they attacked her and her family as her kids watched in horror.

“This is like something out of a movie. I’ve never seen something like this before,” Viola Loeffler said.   

It was around 8 p.m. Saturday when she and her family were attacked at a Louisville intersection.

“Right before we got to the stoplight, we noticed about 50 to 100 teens coming to the middle of the street. It was a one-way street so we couldn’t go any further. All of a sudden, one of them throws a garbage can on our car,” she explained.

Loeffle says after that, the situation quickly escalated. Her boyfriend, Ron Carter, was in the driver’s seat and stopped the car to see what was going on.

They say when he got out, the teens moved in on him.

“Then all of a sudden, I’m getting attacked,” Carter said.  “At that point,  I jump in the driver’s seat and heard them throwing rocks at my car. The rocks were hitting the kids inside the car.”

Meanwhile, Loeffler and her five children were still inside the car.

“Survival mode, and I tried to analyze the situations as quick as possible and figure out the safest way to get everyone safe,” Loeffler said.

The mother says she couldn’t speed away because they were surrounded by the group of teens and she didn’t want to run them over.

That’s when one of them attacked her.

“The boy comes out of nowhere, punches me in the eye, knocks me out,” she said.

She says the next moments were a blur, but somehow, Loeffler, Carter and all five kids made their way to Bader’s Food Mart and were able to get to safety until police got there.

Loeffler says her children, all under the age of 12, witnessed everything.
“One of my kids is going to have to, she needs counseling. She’s been having nightmares these past few day, waking up shaking and crying. There needs to be better guidance for these kids around here. I’m very glad that we’re alive,” Loeffler said.

The approximately 200 teens were involved in at least 17 incidents, according to police. There has been at least one arrest and police are looking for more suspects.

You can see the video here:

5 thoughts on “Mob Attack On Family Caught On Camera

  1. This is a good thing, because the woman’s an idiot, and she probably needs a few blows to the head before she starts thinking.

    “The mother says she couldn’t speed away because they were surrounded by the group of teens and she didn’t want to run them over.”

    She didn’t want to run over the people attacking her? I would have been grinding up those little bastards in the wheel-wells until I couldn’t find anymore of them.

    These people who feel they have some obligation to be nice to their attackers are a danger to those of us who think. The idiot’s been irreversibly brainwashed by the TV, and she’ll never be of any use to anyone because her brain has been fried by Zionist media manipulation.

    When she gets out of the hospital she can bring those underprivileged youths some candy or something. Hopefully they’ll take her out of the gene pool next time.

    1. Yes, retop the asphalt with them if that is what it takes. A riot in florida that a buddy and I drove through when I was a teen, pissed him off because I took him there, he asked me what would I do if they surrounded my truck I told him “run them over, they can’t stop a vehicle in motion”, then he made a good point about bricks being thrown through the glass and so we left.

  2. I am so sick of these idiots who are in charge… With all of today’s technology and they only have one suspect….. THIS IS BS…. Seventeen events on this order…. What a crock…. When are the people in this community going to demand some results from their paid officials….. This woman should have run them over,maybe then the officials would have shown up….. People need to understand that it is their duty to protect their families……. She just followed the commie line and played the victim…..and sacrificed her families mental stability……..for these thugs…..What the hell is wrong with her…. STAND UP FOR YOURSELVES!!!!!!!!! This is only the start and it will only get worse…..

  3. Rule #1 in a situation like that:

    Hit the gas and get the hell out of there. These freaks aren’t out collecting for the RED CROSS.

    Wash your car real well afterward. Repaint and repair as needed YOURSELF.

  4. The guy was an idiot for getting out of the car, the woman was an idiot for not wanting to harm the attackers. When a mob of people surround your vehicle, they intend to do you harm! You do whatever is needed to ensure your safety. Have a gun? Great! Use it! Are you unarmed but can use your vehicle to escape? Great! Do so! Never, EVER trust that a person who decides to attack you will show any kind of restraint, you will end up dead!

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