Navy Medical Officer reveals Covax Vaccine Related Heart Issues. These numbers are astounding. “Myocarditis up 151%, Ischemic heart disease up 69%, pulmonary heart disease up 62% and Heart Failure is up 973%

One thought on “Navy Medical Officer reveals Covax Vaccine Related Heart Issues. These numbers are astounding. “Myocarditis up 151%, Ischemic heart disease up 69%, pulmonary heart disease up 62% and Heart Failure is up 973%

  1. I remember some of the early reports warning about the bio-weapon and how years 3 to 5 were the ones to watch. Now we are smack in the middle of that. None can deny the suffering and death that is reported every single day. Of course these are blamed on other things like junk food and not enough rest, but discerning minds know, and we wait, while we see even our very loved-ones touched by the big game of population-reduction. I hear that only 16% percent of the population have gotten the latest “boosters.” Someone said, “Too bad for Big Pharma, the world is finding out they are really Big Harma.”


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