Netanyahu: Trump Called to ‘Congratulate’ Me On War With Hezbollah

By Chris Menahan – Information Liberation

Former President Donald Trump called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to “congratulate” him for the “intense and determined operations” Israel has carried out in their rapidly expanding war on Hezbollah.

Trump “called Netanyahu last week and ‘congratulated him on the intense and determined operations that Israel carried out against Hezbollah,’ according to Netanyahu’s office,” the AP reported on Tuesday.

“A Trump ally, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., joined that call,” the AP added.

While President Biden has been cursing Netanyahu in private and allegedly trying to rein him in, Trump is boldly undermining American interests by encouraging Netanyahu to expand his wars.

Trump has pledged to give the Israel Lobby total power over Congress if reelected.

2 thoughts on “Netanyahu: Trump Called to ‘Congratulate’ Me On War With Hezbollah

  1. More and more, Trump is showing his true colors to us Americans. The more he moves closer to Israel, the less supporters he will have and people will finally come to realize that neither party and/or candidate gives two sh*ts about us Americans and only care about genocidal Israel.

    1. Yep. The only true realization is the same as it’s always been which is why it’s so damn hard for most people – that you’ve been lied to all your life & everything is rigged!

      “It’s all bullshit, folks and it’s bad for ya!” – George Carlin

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