New Maine Bill would establish a State office to help illegals integrate. When questioned why they don’t use those resources to help our veterans whose needs are ignored, State Rep Deqa Dhalac explains that illegals deserve priority over veterans.

One thought on “New Maine Bill would establish a State office to help illegals integrate. When questioned why they don’t use those resources to help our veterans whose needs are ignored, State Rep Deqa Dhalac explains that illegals deserve priority over veterans.

  1. America, you know you’ve been overtaken. Prayers and protests have not worked. Further demise imminent. What ever shall we do? Please leave suggestions below, as long as they involve enforcing The Bill of Rights and fighting.

    Too long here. Must move there, there, there. Days of darkness. How many times can one die? And what does it speak to when a way is shown and not taken?

    Stuck. F**k. Nothing is enough.

    What have we together? A rage party. It’s a rage party. But we never get to blow out the candles. And personal failure looms like a ghoul; it smiles every time it sees disgust on my face.

    No frikkin’ defeatism. Be ready in the moment. Rant, hope for understanding, motivation. No defeatism, even while being stabbed. Stab back.


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