New Storm to Bring Severe Thunderstorms to South, Snow to East

AOL – Accuweather

Severe thunderstorms are expected to rumble from Texas on Saturday to Georgia by Sunday as a complex and multi-faceted storm takes shape.

Plenty of warm, moist air transported northward from the Gulf of Mexico will clash with colder air surging southward across the Plains. As a result, violent thunderstorms will erupt over eastern Texas, including Dallas and Houston.  

The biggest threats with these storms will be damaging wind gusts to 60 mph and hail as large as quarters or golf balls, but an isolated tornado cannot be ruled out either.

As this storm system moves eastward Saturday night, a swath of strong to severe thunderstorms will cut across Louisiana and Mississippi, and then across Alabama, Georgia and the Florida Panhandle on Sunday.

In addition to damaging winds, hail and the threat for an isolated tornado, very heavy, potentially flooding, rain will also become a concern.

Rainfall amounts in excess of 2 inches are possible east of the mouth of the Mississippi River through the Florida Panhandle by Sunday night.

On the northern fringe of this storm system, snow and ice will snarl travel from Missouri to Maryland into Monday.

For those living from Texas to Georgia, now is a good time to brush up on your severe weather terminology.

56 thoughts on “New Storm to Bring Severe Thunderstorms to South, Snow to East

  1. This is no natural storm in my area in Dallas. It was clear blue skies yesterday and then a shitload of chemtrails flooded the skies and in an hour the whole sky was blanketed in abnormally, hazy gray stratus-like clouds and are even so today.

    This weather storm is definitely being engineered. Otherwise, there would be clear skies right now. These bastards in the MSM know what’s going to happen a few days before the storm because TPTB are telling them what it will be like after they spray the skies with their weather pollutants. There’s no science whatsoever.

    And it’s funny how all the media and local media these days predict the SAME exact forecast. Do they even go outside and do experiments or statistics anymore? How can EVERY single forecaster predict the SAME EXACT whether forecast? It’s absolutely improbable.

    Meteorology is supposed to be nothing more than guessing or predicting. So are you telling me that EVERY single meteorologist guesses or predicts the SAME EXACT thing every day? That’s impossible. It’s all rigged from the top down by TPTB. Plain and simple.

    1. NC haven’t seen any chem trails here for around 4 days. strange. of course they are predicting rain, snow, sleet combo for tonight and tomorrow here in the Midwest. so they might be spraying this p.m.

  2. I am in Atlanta, and sent an email to one of our more senior weathermen on MSM asking him about his opinion on all the chemtrails that have been absolutely inundating our skies recently, and surprisingly he responded. But holding the company line, he said he wasn’t sure where I was getting my info, but in his opinion it was all “garbage”. I responded with several links where he could check it out himself, and he responded he stands on his reputation as an expert, and won’t change his mind. I have sent him several legitimate follow-up links and as of yet there has been no response. MSM knows wtf is going on but tows the line to keep sheeple in the dark

    1. I have yet to see a site that can explain chem-trails, what they are made up of and what for. Except for the company advertising on this site. The’re selling pills to protect against the effects of chem-trails. Really? What’s up with that? Anybody check with them to find out what those trails are made of? They seem to know! Where did they get the precise info about the chemical content of those trails?

        1. Thanks Paul I will check it. Very nice of you. I always wondered what’s in them but could never find a trustworthy site explaining them. Also I did not mean to put down the company advertising here, I just thought nobody knew for sure. I’ll check your link for sure. Thanks again

          1. Hey LesPaulPlayer My pleasure. there is a lot of information on his site. Quite extensive. Grab a coffee and settle in and read. Jeff is pretty thorough.

        1. Thanks I started checking out the link Paul sent, wow it’ll take awhile to get through but seems to be well researched. When you say Jeff do you mean Rense? I’m not sure about him. Seems to be more Clifford Carnicom. I’ll keep reading. #1 I’ll check for the video and the link. Thank you guys. I’ve been reading this site FTT for a good many years and it is by far the best, the more reliable and trustworthy. I especially like the commentators and the comments. I feel like I know a lot of you personally. I have learned a lot here. Keep up the good work you all.

          1. sorry LesPaulPlayer // brain fart. haha yes meant to say Clifford Carnicom. I agree on jeff rense. i think hes out there a little too far, if you know what i mean. 🙂

          2. Most welcome, LesPaulPlayer (I used to play a Gibson J45. Beautiful instrument).

            My main goal here is to educate as many as possible, about as much as possible (that I know), in as little time as possible (as it grows ever shorter).

            FTT is hands down the best site around. Welcome aboard (to the comment section).

          3. Welcome aboard, Les! Glad to have ya.

            Don’t hesitate to speak your mind or contribute to the site. We all make up this site together. The more people who contribute, the better it is and the quicker we can get the information out.

            Feel free to throw out any questions or rabbit trails, as it helps us to analyze and formulate better conclusions based on the evidence of any given topic. It keeps us thinking outside the box, so to speak, rather than inside the Matrix.

            This site is all about We the People, so have fun and enjoy!

        2. Hi #1 read your article (your first here) great job!
          I missed it when it first appeared. I was working back then and could not get on the site everyday. Now I’m retired (6 months) I’m here for hrs every day. Great reading! I’ll check for the video for sure. Thanks again

          1. Ha thats ok Paul i have a few of those every once in a while also haha.
            #1 Gibson J45 (drool drool) very nice. My accoustic is Takamine. Can never go wrong with Gibson! If that is your goal well I can say you are succeding!I learn something every day here.
            For sure FTT is the best, I also catch Mr Shively’s (and JD) radio show every chance I get. Also liked Missy and Bulldog’s show and videos, they are good.
            Thanks for the welcome.

      1. Just do a search on From the Trenches type in “chemtrails”, you’ll get plenty of information

        1. Thanks Mosquitohawk will do. Also Paul and #1
          both gave me a few links that I am checking out now. I always thought that the chemical make up was mostly speculation but I see testing was done to confirm what is in those trails.

  3. I guess every meteorologist in this country (at least a thousand) gets together in one little room every day (whether in the real world or in an online chat room) and makes a vote the same way that the Vatican does when they elect a new pope, as to what the weather will be like everyday. When they get out of their meeting room like groundhogs, they all say, “Yep, we agreed. We all didn’t see a shadow, so there’s going to be 6 more weeks of storms”.

  4. Angel-NYC and NC thank you very much for the nice welcome, very kind of you. Like I’ve said been reading a long time here and would have liked to comment sooner but I was too shy to, I have decided to give it a try. For sure your warm welcome makes it easier. I find all of your comments very informative and interesting. I hope I can add to this site also. Again thanks guy’s

    1. Hey LesPaulPlayer I am like you in that I was retired from my job Dec. 13 2013. had been frequenting this site because it was the only place I could get the truth. now, since retired, I am here for hours every day. The people here are REAL. What a pleasant place to be. I’m forever addicted now.

      1. Yes Paul I retired on Halloween 2013 after 40 years. I’m 59. I agree with you wholeheartedly. FTT is my only site now. WRH for a few years but I finally caught on to that site and others. Up to now only FTT pass my litmus test. So I’m here every day and enjoying every minute. And you are right very good people here for sure. I learn more from the comments than most of the articles.

        1. yes same here LesPaulPlayer. There is so much collective knowledge here. I am amazed every time I come on site.

  5. Hi Paul and #1 NWO Hatr I have read up on the links and video you both suggested. I value your opinions and would like to hear your comments to the following, I may be a bit naive on this subject so please be gentle. :-).
    What I came out with after reading and the video:
    A major part of the chemical content of the trails is, Aluminum, Barium, Strontium, Titanium, Mylar and Plastic to name a few of the most important.
    What they posit as an explanaition for spraying is:
    a) Combat global warming. This I figure is BS. Because if we know there is no global warming the PTB also know. (It’s a money grab) global warming does not exist. Just like they know that taking peoples guns away does not make the people safer. They may be A-holes but they are not stupid. (arguably). Also the particulates are not in suspension long enough to make a difference.
    b) Anti Radar. Again BS just looking at the size area they can spray at a time, compared to the size of the earth flies in the face of logic. Also the time the particulates remain suspended does not work or make sense.
    c) Population control. From what I gather it probably causes Morgellons and Alzheimer. If they want to cull the population, Morgellons might be very bad and unpleasant for those who have it, but does not seem to be fatal. (at least in the short term). Alzheimers on the other hand is fatal after a certain time. Cancer might also be included but like Alzheimers can some time take a very long time to kill the host. Big Pharma would most certainly profit from this, but I don’t know, seems odd. Also we know that the PTB live and breath on this planet also and unless they have a sure-fire anti-dote, they run a very high risk that they or their famillies would be affected also.
    d) GMO. Once all the Ph level in the soil is destroyed, only GMO will be able to grow, enriching Monsanto. Well every one and his dog knows that GMO’s are poisonous and cause all sorts of tumors and maladies. They know that also. Even Monsanto does not serve GMO’s in their lunch rooms. So once regular crops are destroyed, they will then have to consume it themselves, which I don’t see them doing. So I have to call BS on this also. It can always be possible they have an area reserved for their use, still it flies in the face of logic.
    e) Weather modification. Of all explanations, this seems the more possible/probable. But still begs the question, What use is it to have it rain or snow to be-jesus over whatever city they are spraying? What do they gain from it? From the information I found, the particulates only remain suspended for a day or two and the fallout seems to poison everything on the ground underneath. Again the question would be, Why would they want to rule over a barren, unpopulated earth? What would be the use overseeing a lifeless and unproductive piece of real estate?
    We have to look objectivly at the size area they can spray at a time and how long does the said particulate remain suspended to realistically have an effect on weather in the long term.
    Don’t get me wrong, I truly beleive they are spraying and that the spray has these checmicals. What I am struggling with is the reason for doing it.
    In the video, they keep insisting that people wake up. Well after looking at the film, I think there are a lot of awake people, just look at all the Phd’s, MBA’s, Scientists, former Senators and Congresscritters that know and talk about it. And there is probably millions of us folk who know.
    The problem is that nobody offers a plan of attack. Nobody throws up a way to go about stopping this crap.
    I’m sure you remember when Bush (GHW) was president, he commented at a press conference that he hated broccoli and would never eat it. Well it didn’t take a week, he was back on tv all pale and shaking, tripping all over himself offering appollogies to the broccoli growers and sellers. What I’m saying is the broccoli lobby was powerfull enough to have the prez shaking in his boots. And we can’t seems to get together and solve something this important kind of makes you wonder.
    The spraying crap going on is by far the most important and urgent item to be dealt with by humankind I can see. More important then politics, gun control et al. I think there are enough awake people to stop this dead in it’s tracks. All that is needed is a plan of action, surely we can be as strong as a broccoli lobby when all of our and our children’s lives are at stake.
    Sorry to be so long winded but this has really awakened me. I hope I am not abusing of your time (both of you) and would really like your take on this, I know I am probably wrong on a few things, and you both seem to be very able to set me on the right path, like I have said I have read both of you before and have nothing but respect for your point of views.

    1. I’ll have to get back to you later on this one, LesPaul. Trying to get caught up on the other articles first.

        1. Sorry to have taken so long, LesPaulPlayer. Between this cold and work, it’s been a rough week.

          As to being able to do something about it, that’s not likely to happen anytime soon (barring revolution) They’re doing this on a global scale, not just in this country. Hundreds of planes in the air at all hours(imo) It used to be done by the military, but now the CIA is in charge of that program (Evergreen).

          I deal with it on a personal level by taking 1200 mgs. of calcium (1500 recommended, I believe), and 1200 of magnesium (750 rec. if I remember correctly). This, at least, is good for flushing the aluminum out of the system. As for the rest, I depend on the MSM to flush it out.

          You’re dead wrong about one thing in your comment, though:

          ” More important then politics, gun control et al…”

          Nothing, absolutely NOTHING is more important than our guns. They’re the ONLY thing between us and total enslavement.

          History has shown us this.

          1. Certainly Nothing is more Imp. than our guns….should any one doubt this then ask them how we got here!!!
            Guns, thats how..
            And Guns is how we will stay…Also..

          2. Don’t be sorry #1, I understand, often there are not enough hours in the day. I was in no hurry. Hope you are feeling better.
            I agree, I see no way to end this, revolution seems the only way. The rabbit hole is a lot deeper then it seems. Like I’ve mentioned I think there is enough people awake to this but no one seems to have a plan of attack, if you will. For me my time here is getting shorter, but I worry about my daughters and my grandkids, I truly am afraid for them.
            Taking supplements is a good idea, but by God we should not have to do that if you know what I mean, we are supposedly a civilised society.
            I agree wholeheartedly with you saying I was wrong on the gun issue.
            I got a little carried away there. I should have said as urgent as gun control. That is why I was seeking your opinion, I am fairly new to this and these are my baby steps in this. This site and comments from you and others here are a big part of my education.
            I appreciate your time and patience. I asked you to be gentle with me and you came through. 🙂 I read all your comments with interest.Thanks for taking the time to respond. Keep safe
            We are brothers in arms.

          3. Live and learn, LesPaulPlayer.

            Sadly, it took most of my life to start figuring this sh#t out, but I’ve definitely made up for lost time. Better late than never. 🙂

          4. For sure as long as I’m living I’ll be learning :-). It took me a while also, but once awake there is no turning back 🙂
            Thanks again #1

    2. LesPaulPlayer I’m so sorry I haven’t been able to answer you sooner. Some family issues came up today which has and is taking up a lot of my time that I usually spend on the trenches. That said.. My knowledge is very limited as to some of your comments. I haven’t been able to find answers to these questions either. At least not to my own satisfaction. I have had a whole house filter installed in my home several years ago. Of course that doesn’t eliminate infiltration. I also wear a face mask when I am out doors. Especially when they are trailing. From what I have read there is no concrete consensuses on what the goal is concerning trailing. Of course there are a lot of opinions out there, which may or may not be founded in truth. There are a lot of quacks, and con men out there. tptb are the only ones who can answer all our questions, and that’s not going to happen. I wish I could answer your concerns more succinctly. I know that #1 has a lot of knowledge in this area. Hopefully when he has the time to focus on this subject he can educate us somewhat.
      Again my apologies for not communicating with you sooner.
      God bless. 🙂

      1. Hey Paul don’t be sorry I understand, we all have family I know what you are saying :-). It might also have been a bit forward of me to ask you to comment, it just that you were so kind as to point me to where I could get information on this. It has opened my eyes to this chemtrail crap going on. I had never researched it too much before. I really appreciate you taking the time to respond. I hope all is well with you and yours. Keep safe my friend

        1. LesPaulPlayer No not forward of you at all sir. My desire here on the trenches is to help prepare. There are so many facets to what is going on today. I don’t have a lot of knowledge, but what I do have I want to share with folks here. Frankly I have learned more here in the past year than I have learned anywhere else in the past 10 or so years. There are a lot of SOLID HONEST people here, and it is an honor to be associated with them all.

      1. Too bad he might see my answer to Funny Farmer a few minutes ago. Otherwise I thought posting here he would be advised by e-mail that there was a follow up to his comments, but maybe it is too late. I really don’t know how to reach him and I did not want to hijack another of his posts. I wanted him and #1 to comment because they were kind enough to orient me towards information. Anyhow thanks very much Angel NYC.
        PS I was wondering how come some of your posts to me are not showing up. Only via e-mail

        1. 🙂
          Some of us (me included) don’t choose to get follow up emails notifying us about comments to our posts and/or comments. 😉
          I don’t have enough hours in the day to weed through everything in my “inbox” as it is. LOL
          Just happened to catch your comment. 🙂 😉

          1. Re. PS- That’s because I deleted it when I saw that my email to Paul was returned. I wondered how you caught it. LOL

          2. Gotcha Angel I understand. Too bad though, I would have been interested to see what he had to say, I’ll have to be quicker from now on 🙂
            Thanks for your help, you are most kind. 🙂 🙂

          3. Angel I just emailed Digger asking him to send you my addy, or send me yours. hopefully we will hear from him soon.

      2. Hello Angel……..catching up here… Digger has my email as well as Henry. I feel uneasy about putting it on here. I would love to communicate with you.
        God bless 🙂

        1. 🙂
          I originally got it from digger. One of us may have done a typo. LOL 😉 Wondered why I hadn’t heard back from you in so long. Searched my email history and discovered that they had all been returned. My inbox is so crammed, I didn’t catch it until tonight. I’ll get it, or ask them for mine. 🙂 No, do NOT post your’s on the open web. 😉

          1. oh that’s good to know Angel I was wondering why i hadn’t heard from you. I was beginning to think I had bad breath. haha. 🙂

          2. Angel… Digger is sending my email address to you if I understood his last email to me correctly. Looking forward to talking to you.

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