25 thoughts on “No Word From the Trenches Today

  1. Feel better brother. I have an exposed nerve on one of my back teeth. It kicks my ass sometimes. I feel your pain. Rinse with Dr. Tishner’s mouthwash several times a day if you can stand the pain. It helps a lot! Be careful though, the stuff is mean

  2. My advice Henry, bite the bullet, get to a dentist, and get it taken care of.
    A dental infection, if it works its way up the forehead, will kill you. I lost a buddy that way, he was stubborn, and let it fester too long.

    1. Millard is right Henry, I also lost a buddy who was only 44 yrs old. Wouldn’t take the antibiotics and in a very short time it went to his brain and they had to life flight him to Bend and it was too late to save him.

      1. wow… I never knew that. I always just hit them with maximum strength Orajel (20% benzocaine) until the pain goes away, and I let the infection run its course.

        I never knew it could travel to the brain (or anywhere else)

  3. Take care of it ASAP Henry. Teeth are close to the brain….don’t want that infection spreading….take care…

  4. Not much wisdom form that tooth, Glove oil and vice grips and that will get’ er done Henry. If you have silver get it on the tooth, it will kill the germs.

    1. Is “Glove oil” a typo Joe? Did you mean to say “Clove oil”, or is the stuff you use to soften a catcher’s mitt good for bad teeth?

  5. Henry-
    10% povidine iodine solution gargle/brush with it several times a day.
    it will bring out the infection and sterilize the area. you can also use
    it to sterilize water:4-8 drops per gallon. hope you get to feeling better
    tooth aches SUCK!

  6. ouch Henry! I had a Crown that wouldnt stay posted so they dug out the bone, but i now have a dry socket so got med pack i mouth. I hope you feel better soon, i see all your helpers, Clove are good, i have to get Silver, didnt know Idodine, thanks all for the tips.

  7. I heard about some stuff called red cross (less than $10 bucks) Had a tooth that started giving me real bad pain on the weekend.I was eating Norco like candy-no help,got red cross at the local grocery store.After about 6 applications I remember waking up with a mouth full of what ever and no pain. It must have killed the nerve. What a relief

  8. Feel better Henry….. if that’s possible. I’ve had plenty of toothaches, and they do suck.

  9. Here’s a funny story…about wisdom teeth.
    I had all four pulled at the same time.
    I was a smoker…still am.
    The dentist explicitly said don’t smoke for a few days.
    Guess what I did ?
    As soon as I got home after surgery.
    I fired up a cig.
    Oh…my fkng God.
    The horror. …the horror..
    But it gets better……
    Before I went to the dentist I left work and ate a hambuger at Jack in the box.
    Coincidentally that was when they had the e-coli outbreak.
    Anyone remember that one ?
    So I went home after the dentist and had to take a dump.
    Plus I was jonesing for a smoke.
    So I went to the bathroom fired up a smoke and oh my God!
    The whole back up my mouth started throbbing in pain…
    Then I started taking a dump…and due to the e-coli jack burger.
    and….,,, this is the best way I can describe it people.
    It felt like someone took a bic lighter and held it under may azz the whole time.
    But wait it gets better.
    After that little encounter in the bathroom.
    My ex-wife came home from work and got me so mad.
    I kicked the bathroom door so hard I fractured my big toe and had to go to the doctor the next day and then hobble around for a month in one of those temporary foot casts.
    Learning to drive to work with just my left foot and a 60 mile round trip was definitely challenging on I-5.
    I guess what I’m trying to say Henry is….
    I hope it heals up soon !
    Get better and don’t smoke !

  10. henry please get it pulled now post shtf is not the time
    to be dealing with a absess cause that can be dangerous.
    ps, i’m deeply soory like you don’t know as to my outburst.
    off my vitanins i guess,

  11. I’ll second those who think you should get it pulled, Henry. You’ll save yourself some misery at least, and possibly even your life. If you wait too long, the infection might become harder to treat. And yes, it could spread to your brain, and that could end in something worse than death. I’d definitely get it treated if it were me, no question. Good luck and let us know how it goes.

  12. Henry, Please get it taken care of quickly. My friend Bob’s mom had an upper root canal and it gave her stroke due to infection.

  13. Don’t forget about salt! soaking in salt water helps. Try to use a good salt like Pink Himalayan or Redmond real salt (mined in Utah). An abundance of salt kills most.

  14. The NWO says that this terrible event could have been prevented by ingesting massive amounts of their fluoride enriched water! Just kidding! I hope you’re feeling better soon Henry!

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