4 thoughts on “NYC Fight Club Training “Break one of the floating ribs…”

  1. I see nothing wrong with this except that I dont see our side prepping in the same way. If people haven’t noticed this is a war and people need to prepare. I’m not so naive as to think they don’t train. All sides will and should. So I really don’t care that they’re teaching themselves to hurt people, I just care that we train harder and eliminate the enemy.

    1. When the unlawful corporate police are removed, these are the little Marxist pricks they think they are going to unleash on those who refuse to join one side or the other.
      I’ll clear the whole f-king street with five guys with 12 gauge shotguns with bandoliers. One on one, make your f-king floating rib move. I will leave you in a f-king heap with both of your arms busted out of the sockets at the elbows, both your eyeballs hanging out across your face, and your balls in your f-king throat.
      As for these tough bitches, you’re going to think you had basketball breast implants.
      We are not a bunch of city boys out here. Nobody needs to teach us how to hurt people. When we’ve had enough of your f-king mouths and your f-king communism, we will come to the cities and slaughter your f-king asses.
      Keep on training. There is one thing you can’t train into somebody and that is experience and balls.
      These f-king punks on this video are laughable and I’m f-king laughing.

  2. Commie punks. We also know what “By Any Means Necessary” means.

    “The slaves have been sold to themselves.”
    — Kenneth Patchen


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