Obama Announces Gun Confiscation List

Guns America – by Alan Korwin

Say what? What’s really insane is that the all-democrat audience applauded wildly when the person currently in the White House said it. What did he say? “Right now, people on the no-fly list can walk into a store and buy a gun. That is insane. If you’re too dangerous to board a plane, you’re too dangerous, by definition, to buy a gun.” That’s a direct quote from Barack Hussein Obama.  

This person took an oath “to preserve, protect and defend” our Constitution. Yet he would deny people their fundamental constitutional human and civil rights based on, what, exactly? It’s a list maintained by his administration with no known parameters for adding people to the list. It was started by George W. Bush after the Muslim jihad struck the World Trade Towers in 2001, with about 400 names. Under Obama, the list grew to 10,000 names in 2011, 21,000 in 2012, and 47,000 in 2013, according to Wikipedia. The separate Terrorism Watch List reportedly had more than one million names by 2009-and the lists are mutually exclusive, you can be on one and not the other.

What are people on the no-fly list charged with? Nothing. Convicted of anything? No. How do they get on the list? It’s a secret. I asked FBI agents at the Las Vegas SHOT Show in January 2016 about all this and confirmed those answers.

Who maintains the list? Police. Federal police actually, from the Terrorist Screening Center, an FBI branch you can’t deal with. They prefer to be called agents. A secret police list (we’re not supposed to have secret police anything here in this supposedly free country)-denies your rights, and Obama’s side-the democrats-are cheering. Half the country, give or take, votes democrat. For shame. This man’s proposal is a disgrace, a violation of his oath, grounds for removal from office, according to leading experts.


People have not even thought about the mechanics of this. Can people on the no-fly list just walk past the TSA checkpoint, screening devices, bomb swabs and X-rays with a gun, or knife or bomb? Normal people can’t (or so we’re told). Don’t those safeguards work on them-is that why we even need a no-fly list? Maybe checkpoints are just a feel-good scam to keep us in line like the skeptics say, and the no-fly list makes sense?

Obama didn’t say, and “reporters” didn’t ask. It must be too obvious to question. Either the devices don’t work at all, or those people are really dangerous-they could down an aircraft with a karate chop. Who are these people? (It’s a secret, don’t ask.)

If they’re that dangerous, why are they still walking around free? (Oh, that’s easy, they haven’t been convicted of anything, or even charged.) Can they still take Amtrak to Cincinnati, or a bus, or car, or walk? Yes. So they just can’t fly there-they’re free to go, just not by plane. Why, that doesn’t even make sense! Don’t ask. You might end up on the secret list. Actually, the list of false positives is huge. I met one, a three-year old girl. Everyone knows Ted Kennedy was listed.

Mr. Obama wants to turn an arbitrary no-fly list into an equally arbitrary no-buy list, he announces it publicly with a straight face, and calls you insane if you object. Are there no limits to the man’s hubris? He cannot possibly be too dim to fail to understand what he is doing. Are his supporters really brain dead like Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (jpfo.org) suspect?

And by implication, if you can’t buy a gun, you certainly can’t have any of the guns you already own, right? Those must be contraband under the same logic, and should be confiscated, by the same agents who carefully put you on the list in the first place.

This is a flat-out attempt to confiscate guns based on a government list with no controls, no due process, abrogation of the rule of law, and wild cheering support from one side of the political aisle.

The analogy is to a colored-shirt movement last century in Europe that led to World War II.

If ever we had a criminal mentality in charge, there it is on a platter.



4 thoughts on “Obama Announces Gun Confiscation List

  1. *** Half the country, give or take, votes democrat. For shame. ***

    I don’t see Republican politicians exactly falling over themselves to end the “War on Terror” or limit its abuses. They are no better than the Democrats, and in some ways are even worse.

    A good rule of thumb is that if both Republicans and Democrats more or less agree on a policy, it is probably tyrannical, immoral, stupid, or some combination of these. Examples include the “War on Terror,” growing the already-bloated military-industrial complex, the “War on Drugs,” expanding the surveillance state, slavish support for Israel, and many more.

    It is LONG past time for all of us to wake up to the fact that “Republican vs. Democrat” is a false choice. The two parties are more or less in agreement on most of the key issues, and it generally boils down to wanting to reduce our freedom.

  2. “A secret police list (we’re not supposed to have secret police anything here in this supposedly free country)-denies your rights,…”


    “Those must be contraband under the same logic, and should be confiscated, by the same agents who carefully put you on the list in the first place.”

    No, they should be used to PREVENT confiscation.

  3. “It was started by George W. Bush after the Muslim jihad struck the World Trade Towers in 2001, with about 400 names. Under Obama, the list grew to 10,000 names in 2011, 21,000 in 2012, and 47,000 in 2013,”

    The Muslim bogeyman canard is dying but obviously some still grip it tighter than their God, guns and Bibles.

    One side starts it and the other expands it. They propose 2 and we lose 1 every time. The masses then thank their captors for their “graciousness” yet fail to see the catalyst which initiated the entire process was fabricated to start the plan in the first place.

    Meanwhile, both victims to “party Stockholm syndrome” cheer from their cells and racks for the winning side of their “choice”. (Trenchers already know this. Take no offense, please)

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