One Last Chance

JuvenileJusticeThe “Last Chance” to do “What”?

  • Re-claim our Republic and restore the founding documents?
  • Put all traitors to their just ends?
  • Re-claim our economy?
  • Restore the industrialization of our Nation?
  • Begin to educate our children, properly?
  • Restore GOD to His rightful place?
  • And the list goes on….  

Regardless of how intense the fight may become, there will be NO last chances. “Why?”, one may be asking. The answer is simply put like this: Real American Nationals and Patriots will NEVER give up or give in to the tyrannical designs of whomever, or whatever, resides in power.

As the writer mentions, we’ve been attacked and assailed from within. Yes, that’s the only way that any enemy of our Republic could ever be somewhat successful. We’re seeing their grand designs play out right before our eyes, with false flag after false flag, illegal decrees, and you know the drill by now…..

The “Last Chance” is not for us, the Patriot ….It’s strongly put to our ENEMIES! This is their “LAST CHANCE” to escape with their lives…..IF they leave now.

But we know, and they know, they can’t. And won’t. So now it comes down to the inevitable ….the only way, is for this to run its course. And that’s what “they’ve” been preparing for. We’ve seen it time and again, with orders for ammo, and gear, orders for military vehicles for every department there is, from Sherriff’s all the way to mailmen, from meat inspectors to astronauts. That’s their cover story for arming their army that will try to beat us into submission, so they think.

Well, all I can say is this; “This IS THEIR Last Chance” to walk away or THEY will die in all THEIR efforts to subjugate the American Spirit. Which, by the way, CAN NEVER BE DONE!

The New Boston Tea Party – by Michael Oberndorf

We used to be a nation of laws. Today, we are a nation of lies. From the “president” and his appointees and hired thugs on down, there has not been an utterance in the past five years that has not been lies, or at best, a rank distortion of the truth. The Democrat Party has followed the “president’s” lead, making wild, fantastic charges and slander the rule for their public statements. Of late, the Republican misleadership, aka the Republican Establishment, has taken to lying as grossly as the Democrats, all of whom now are attacking American citizens who still believe in government the Constitution and the Rule of Law.

This Memorial Day we would do well to remember not just the brave men and women who have served our nation so well over the past 239 years, but the principles and documents that institutionalized the reason they were willing to fight and, if need be, die. Our freedom, our liberty, as clearly delineated in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, is under attack as never before in our history, but this time the attack is from within. And this time, few are fighting back.

BarackObamaFrontmanSince the murder of John F. Kennedy, a conservative Democrat president, we have seen a succession of more and more leftist presidents, and sat idly by as the radical left took over the Democrat Party. This has culminated in the election (by massive voter fraud, by the way) of an outright Marxist to the presidency. The platform of the Democrat Party of today is the manifesto of the New Left of the 1960s.

Obama and the cadre of Marxists he has staffed his administration with have made communist revolutionary Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals their bible.  Obama taught classes on Alinsky and his rules as a college professor – a formula for revolution:

How To Create a Social State
by Saul Alinsky

There are 8 levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a social state. The first is the most important.

saulAlinsky21) Healthcare – Control healthcare and you control the people

2) Poverty – Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.

3) Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.

4) Gun Control – Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to
create a police state.

5) Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income)

6) Education – Take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school.

7) Religion – Remove the belief in God from the Government and schools

8) Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.

BarackObamaIslamNewYorkerAnd what were supposedly conservative Republicans doing while this juggernaught of sedition was being turned into “legitimate” politics? Why, they were ever-so-busy allowing the neo-fascists behind the “progressive” movement, born in that evil year of 1913, to take over their party. The so-called Rockefeller Republicans were not moderates, they were fascists, and now, as the “Establishment”, they dominate the “leadership” of the party.

The only real difference between the two parties today is that is that…well, darn…when you look at where they want to take the country, there really isn’t any difference. Both want a leviathan totalitarian police state, ruled by a permanent elite political class – a new aristocracy – with the rest of us there to provide the labor and the money, via taxes, for them to live a lavish and privileged lifestyle. They merely differ on the details of how to get there.

I think We, the People, are naïve if we truly think we can take back our government and restore adherence to the Constitution through the election of a few Tea Party supported conservatives. Congress has become thoroughly corrupted, as have the judiciary and executive branches. Our Attorney General was convicted of criminal contempt of Congress two years ago, and not only still holds his office, but continues to flout the laws he is supposed to be in charge of enforcing, without consequence. This situation epitomizes the willful collaboration of the two parties in undermining the Rule of Law.

BarackObamaSubParAmerica has become polarized beyond reconciliation, much less compromise. The left has no problem forcing us to pay for them to murder unborn children, but demands that those who rape, torture, and murder not be subjected to a second of pain when executed for their heinous crimes. They demand that law abiding citizens be disarmed, but do nothing to disarm criminals. They demand we give better healthcare and welfare benefits to criminals who have entered our country illegally, than to our military veterans who risked their lives to defend the freedom of the rest of us. And on and on and on, ad nauseam.

Yes, radical Islam abroad is a real threat. Yes, China and Russia are real threats. But the most dangerous threat of all is right here at home, living high in Washington, D.C. Radical threats demand radical solutions. This is our last chance.—michael-oberndorf.aspx

7 thoughts on “One Last Chance

  1. .
    My Fellow Americans:

    Its simple:

    AMERICA HAS ALREADY BEEN OVERTHROWN!!!,.. period,.. bar none.

    We can-NOT stop what has ALREADY occurred.

    Our only discussion should be,…. WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO, TO TAKE BACK WHAT HAS BEEN STOLEN FROM US?

    These One-World-Governance psychopaths,, knew they could NOT defeat us militarily, or in a fair fight,… so they used the only methods they know how to use,… lies, deception, fraud, bribery, threats, extortion, violence and assassination,… ALL,… from within, by using our very own instruments of State that are suppose to STOP the very criminal activities they in fact carry out,… such as the CIA and FBI planning, arranging, and carrying out such notable NWO attacks as 9/11, Boston Bombing, WTC Bombing, Sandy Hoax,… an so on.

    The Republic is rife with cancer it’s very bones,… and there is only one way to exorcise these demons,…. and that is with direct confrontation, then arrests, trials,.. and public hangings of ALL the traitors that have rendered aide, assistance, and have abetted the enemies of this Republic,.. like George Soros, the Rockefellers, the Gates, and so on (to many to list here),.. and we must also hold those foreign powers accountable, by declaring their designs, proving those accusations,.. and then launching an ALL-OUT, Extermination-Event (Nuclear), on such insidious countries such as Israel, as our recompense.

    Anything less than that,.. and we lose,.. period.

    Get your mind right,… understand the precarious position we are in right now,.. and what the only real solution looks like,.. and that is half our battle right there.

    JD – US Marines – It’s NOT just about defending our Republic,… its about defending our very right to exist, unmolested and without the constant threat of these NWO psychos.


    1. Brother JD,
      RE: your comment on “Last Chance”

      “and then launching an all out, extermination event on such insidious
      countries such as Israel.

      Anything less than that,.. and we lose,.. period.

      Get your mind right,… understand the precarious postion we are in
      right now,.. and what the only real solution looks like,.. and that is
      half our battle right there.”

      While I am no fan of the Israeli government and the Khazar Jews, I
      can’t agree with that statement. The average person living in Israel
      probably doesn’t want to rule the world. It is just their elite and
      leaders, the same as ours. I am pretty sure that their population is
      dumbed down and sleepy just as ours is. Would it be ok for folks in
      Iran, Iraq, Libya, etc. to desire and plan to destroy every person
      living in America because our government is corrupt? Our
      government/military have committed numerous crimes against humanity in
      all of those countries and more. Our government has attempted to control
      every country on this planet. That doesn’t mean that we all deserve to
      die for it.

      I understand the fight that we face and will fight until I am dead to
      save my Republic, but I disagree that we need to destroy entire
      countries and their people to accomplish this.

      There are reasons to fight wars. But as you know, we are the soldiers
      fight wars against the anyone that wish to war against us, not against
      their populations. When the troops start killing innocents and
      justifying it, we cross a line, as we did in Iraq. We then become the
      murderers and not the soldiers. We become what we want to fight against,

      I agree with everything else that you stated in your comment though.
      These bastards that wish to rule us need to be brought to justice and
      made to pay for their crimes.

      1. I was thinking that same thing Bulldog. Too many people think that everyone in Israel is bad. To bomb Israel off the map is the same as if to say that the world should bomb the U.S. off the map. What about the people in it who are not involved or don’t know what is going on? Should they die too because their government is the one that is corrupt and instigating everything and they had nothing to do with it? It’s not right. The ends does not justify the means.

        Like you said,

        “When the troops start killing innocents and justifying it, we cross a line, as we did in Iraq. We then become the murderers and not the soldiers. We become what we want to fight against, Tyrants.”

        What we have to do is infiltrate, expose, round up and exterminate those Zionists in power in our country and around the world. It may not be the quickest or easiest way, but it is the right way.

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