“Our politicians are having sex with little girls in front of Israeli Mossad who use it as blackmail.” – Rick Wiles

2 thoughts on ““Our politicians are having sex with little girls in front of Israeli Mossad who use it as blackmail.” – Rick Wiles

  1. “…screw little girls…”? No. The full truth Rick Wiles, is that not just politicians are raping, torturing AND murdering little girls AND boys. Open the WHOLE can of worms & tip them ALL out on the floor. Let’s see ALL the scum puppeteers as well NOT just the politician puppets. Let’s see the so-called “royal families” & “other” bloodlines, etc who have routinely done this for centuries. Tell the WHOLE truth & nothing but or f*ck right off! The time for “managed” information is over. The time for exposing & bringing down the whole shebang is here & now!

  2. Names pictures dates and times, lets see it all so we can all know. Theres never going to be justice if justice isn’t applied equally to everyone equally. The wood chipper has been silent all to long and it cries for justice.

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