Over 20,000 US bombs, missiles sent to ‘Israel’ since October: NYT

By Al Mayadeen

The US has sent “Israel” a substantial quantity of weaponry since October 7, as reported The New York Times on Thursday, citing data from an analysis published by the Jewish Insititue for National Security of America.

The shipments include over 20,000 unguided bombs, approximately 2,600 guided bombs, and 3,000 precision missiles. The US has also provided aircraft, ammunition, and air defense systems.

Many of these transfers were kept secret or remained partially confidential, the report notes.

An analysis by the Foundation for Defense of Democracies in the spring found that the arms supplied up to March constituted “an enormous number and variety of weapons,” which have been vital in supporting “Israel’s” security apparatus.

The analysis also suggested that “it seems unlikely that Israel could attain across-the-board weapons and munitions self-sufficiency anytime soon,” with some experts believing it may never be able to do so.

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