Over Two Thirds Of America’s Elite Favour Food & Energy Rations To Tackle Climate Change

By Niamh Harris – The People’s Voice

ration book

The attitudes shared by the elite ‘top’ 1% of American society and the rest of the population has been laid bare by the results of an eye opening new poll.

Around six in 10 elite members think that there is too much individual freedom in America, with more than two-thirds favouring the rationing of food and energy to combat so called climate change,

4 thoughts on “Over Two Thirds Of America’s Elite Favour Food & Energy Rations To Tackle Climate Change

    1. Worth repeating:

      “Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me. They possess and enjoy early, and it does something to them, makes them soft where we are hard, and cynical where we are trustful, in a way that, unless you were born rich, it is very difficult to understand. They think, deep in their hearts, that they are better than we are because we had to discover the compensations and refuges of life for ourselves. Even when they enter deep into our world or sink below us, they still think that they are better than we are. They are different.”
      — F. Scott Fitzgerald


  1. This “reporter” uses the word “elite” 8 times throughout this short piece. The third time it is even capitalized. By using this word these “reporters” automatically place these vile creatures above the reader in status. I’ve seen a few articles here lately where this is being done just as prolifically. I see the “alternative media” do this all the time. Is the alternative media all run by jews & shabbat goys? Probably.

    To all you non-jews who aren’t working for them – STOP CALLING THEM “elites” you dumb f*cks! They are NOT f*cking “elite” in any way! I’m absolutely sick to the teeth of seeing this word & will not read any article that leads off with or contains it (I only F3’d this one to count the word use). “Elite” is a word I reserve for the top notch snipers who will take out the best & most strategic targets under pressure when it counts the most 😉

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