Paul Craig Roberts

The worse threat every American faces comes from his/her own government.

At the federal level the threat is a seventh war (Syria) in 12 years, leading on to the eighth and ninth (Iran and Lebanon) and then on to nuclear war with Russia and China.   Continue reading “Police Are More Dangerous To The Public Than Are Criminals”

World Events and the Bible

By now everyone has heard about the horrific shooting that took place at the Washington D.C. Navy Yard where 13 were murdered. While this was no doubt a tragic event. Why does the media sensationalize these types of events? For ratings of course and to promote fear of firearms. We reported just days ago about the passage of anti-gun bills by the California Legislature. These bills now lay on the desk of the Governor. If signed, they will become “law” making criminals out of millions of Californians if they fail to register their now titled, “assault weapon” in addition to a slue of other “laws”.   Continue reading “Navy Yard Shooting: Another Attempt on Our Second Amendment”

Canada Free Press – by Matt Shipley

If anyone were to take the time to read the Federal Register of Laws, in which all laws passed by Congress are recorded since its first session in 1789, and they read an average of 700 pages per week, it would take them over 25,000 years to read them all, a feat impossible in multiple lifetimes.

Many laws have been passed with the idea Congress has the constitutional authority “To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper…”[1] At first glance, this clause seems to give Congress unlimited authority to pass nearly anything they choose, but this is not the case. Continue reading “Are all Laws Necessary?”

WARNING: Do not read this on a full stomach, as you might become physically sick.

Corporate Research Project – by Philip Mattera

The financial octopus known as Citigroup is the result of the marriage of one of the country’s oldest and most powerful commercial banks (Citibank) and a conglomerate (Travelers Group) created by Sanford Weill to promote and exploit the weakening of federal rules governing the financial sector. During the 2008 credit crisis, a struggling Citigroup had to be bailed out by the federal government, which ignored calls for its breakup and aside from some multi-million-dollar regulatory settlements did little to curb its aggressive practices.   Continue reading “Citigroup: Corporate Rap Sheet”

Washington navy yard shootingThe Libertarian – by Payton Alexander

[Monday] morning, at the U.S. Naval Sea Systems Command, in the Naval Yard in Washington, D.C., multiple gunmen dressed in military attire opened fire on military personnel and civilian workers, multiple sources have reported.  The Naval Sea Systems Command Headquarters is the largest of the Navy’s five system commands, and accounts for approximately a quarter of the Navy’s entire budget.  U.S. Navy officials have confirmed at the time of this writing that at least 6 people have been killed in the attack, and many more are being treated for injuries at nearby hospitals.  Continue reading “End Clinton Gun-Ban on Military Bases: Naval Yard Shooting Latest in Growing Number of Shootings on Bases”

U.S. TreasuryCNS News – by Terence P. Jeffrey

The federal government raked in a record of approximately $2,472,542,000,000 in tax revenues through the first eleven months of fiscal 2013, which ran from Oct. 1, 2012 through the end of August, according to the Monthly Treasury Statement for August.

That is up about $285 billion from the approximately $2,187,527,000,000 in taxes the government took in through August of fiscal 2012.   Continue reading “$2,472,542,000,000: Record Taxation Through August; Deficit Still $755B”

Naegleria fowleri lifecycle stages (Image from News

A deadly brain amoeba that has killed two children this year has been found in a drinking water supply, a first in the US, authorities said Monday.

The heat-loving Naegleria fowleri has been found in the water supply system of St. Bernard Parish, southeast of New Orleans, according to tests by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).    Continue reading “Lethal brain amoeba found in US drinking water supply for first time”

Washington navy yard shootingThe Libertarian –

This morning, at the U.S. Naval Sea Systems Command, in the Naval Yard in Washington, D.C., multiple gunmen dressed in military attire opened fire on military personnel and civilian workers, multiple sources have reported.  The Naval Sea Systems Command Headquarters is the largest of the Navy’s five system commands, and accounts for approximately a quarter of the Navy’s entire budget.  U.S. Navy officials have confirmed at the time of this writing that at least 6 people have been killed in the attack, and many more are being treated for injuries at nearby hospitals.   Continue reading “End Clinton Gun-Ban on Military Bases: Naval Yard Shooting Latest in Growing Number of Shootings on Bases”

Elizabeth O'BagyThe Daily Beast – by J

Elizabeth O’Bagy, the Syria researcher at the center of a week-long controversy surrounding her academic credentials and her work with the Syrian opposition, admitted for the first time to The Daily Beast she was never enrolled in a Ph.D. program despite representations she made to the press and multiple organizations for whom she worked.

O’Bagy, whose work on the Syrian opposition was hailed by Secretary of State John Kerry and Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), was fired from her job as the lead Syria researcher at the Institute for the Study of War on Sept. 10  after it was revealed that she misled her bosses by telling them she had completed a dissertation defense for a Georgetown Ph.D. Subsequently, questions arose as to whether or not O’Bagy was ever enrolled in the joint MA/Ph.D. program that she claimed in her official biographyContinue reading “Embattled Syria Expert Elizabeth O’Bagy Says She Made ‘Many Mistakes’”

water droplet1 263x164 FDA: Silver Has No Medicinal Use, Though its Been Used for Thousands of YearsNatural Society –  by Christina Sarich

Colloidal silver has been used as a medicine due to its anti-bacterial and antimicrobial properties for as long as anyone can remember. These properties and more are what protects the immune system from disease. But thanks to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), we are being told that silver has absolutely no medicinal value.   Continue reading “FDA: ‘Silver Has No Medicinal Use’, Though its Been Used for Thousands of Years”

Nuclear Regulation Authority inspectors at TEPCO's Fukushima plantABC News – by Mark Willacy

Typhoon Man-yi has hit central Japan as officials issued a “special warning” of heavy rain, amid fears the storm could go on to hit the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant.

The typhoon is generating heavy rain and wind gusts of more than 140 kilometres per hour.

It is tracking north-east along the main Japanese island of Honshu at a speed of 45 kilometres per hour and was expected to pass over Fukushima this afternoon.   Continue reading “Typhoon Man-yi hits Japan raising fears about Fukushima nuclear plant”

obama-phony-tears-crying-mass-shootingsNow The End Begins

When you add up the numbers, a very disturbing picture of Obama’s presidency begins to unfold. He was elected as the “racial uniter”, the Nobel Peace Prize president who was going to “stop the rise of the oceans” and “heal our planet.”

Yet his 4 and one half years of occupying the desk at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue hide a sinister statistic – America has had 15 mass shootings since he became president, and today’s massacre at the Navy Shipyard now brings that total to 16. And since this is a list of shootings only, it does not include the Boston Bombing Massacre that Obama used to roll out martial law for a 24-hour period in Boston.

How do you explain that?   Continue reading “Today Marks The 16th American Mass Shooting Since Obama Became President”

The Daily Caller – by Alex Pappas

California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein is renewing her call for new gun-control laws because of Monday’s deadly Navy Yard shooting.

“When will enough be enough?” Feinstein said in a statement Monday evening.

“Congress must stop shirking its responsibility and resume a thoughtful debate on gun violence in this country,” she said. “We must do more to stop this endless loss of life.”   Continue reading “Feinstein calls for new gun control laws again after Navy Yard shooting”

AlHealthNetwork – by Nick Meyer

It’s no secret that the biotechnology industry will go to any length to perpetuate the myth that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are the “answer to world hunger” even as several studies including one from the United Nations say otherwise, but now things are getting really serious.

The industry seems to be targeting the next generation to ensure that its GMOs will continue to spread as evidenced by a recent picture from an 8th grade textbook posted by activist Rachel Pachivas and the Occupy Food Facebook page.   Continue reading “GMO Industry Infiltrating Children’s Textbooks? See the Photo Here and Decide”

A helicopter belonging to Syrian President Bashar-Al Assad's forces flies over Houla, near Homs, December 3, 2012. REUTERS/Misra Al-Misri/Shaam News Network/HandoutReuters – by Saif Tawfiq

Turkey said its warplanes shot down a Syrian helicopter on Monday after it crossed into Turkish airspace and the government warned it had taken all necessary measures to defend itself against any further such violations.

Turkey scrambled two F-16 jets along the border between its southern Hatay province and Syriaafter warning the Mi-17 helicopter it was approaching Turkish airspace shortly before 2:30 p.m. (1130 GMT), the military said in a statement.   Continue reading “Turkish warplanes shoot down Syrian helicopter”

Daily Paul – by RobHino

It is our duty to stop stuff like this.

Guyer High School (and obviously several others) are complicit in attempting to condition students to interpret the 2nd Amendment in a clearly opposite manner in which it was intended. The 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th are also misinterpreted as several commenters below pointed out.

This textbook, currently being used by Guyer High School, is attempting to redefine the Second Amendment to impressionable young minds. Parents, you must speak up and demand action. Investigate your child’s history book ASAP, and post more pictures in the comments below. Call your school and demand that revisionist history books like this are removed from the school district.   Continue reading “High School AP History Book Rewrites 2nd Amendment”

Press TV

UN inspectors who investigated the August 21 chemical weapons attack in Syria say that suspicious individuals have traveled to the attack sites before the UN team.

On Monday, the inspectors reported that chemical weapons had been deployed “on a relatively large scale” in the Syria conflict.    Continue reading “Syria CW attack scene may have been manipulated, UN report says”

Jon Rappoport

I’ve covered a number of mass shootings. Assuming the people arrested or killed had anything to do with them, one of the top questions is: was the shooter on psychiatric meds?

The mainstream press doesn’t push for answers.   Continue reading “US Navy Yard shooting: is it possible to learn the truth?”