Mark Koernke, in a reality induced trance, ponders the question, if Obama had a son, would he look like Aaron?

Washington Post- by Carol D. Leonnig, Marjorie Censer and David A. Fahrenthold

The dead gunman in Monday’s shooting at the Washington Navy Yard is Aaron Alexis, 34, a Navy veteran who was discharged after he was arrested in a shooting incident—but was later hired by a government subcontractor.

Police said it was unclear if Alexis acted alone, or how he accessed the tightly guarded Navy Yard. As of Monday evening, authorities also are still searching for another person: a black man in his 40s with gray sideburns, wearing an olive-drab military-style uniform.   Continue reading “Aaron Alexis, 34, is dead gunman in Navy Yard shooting, authorities say”

Image courtesy of Canada Free PressNortheast Intelligence Network – by Doug Hagmann

The innocuously sounding ‘Media Shield Law,’ also referred to as a bill to provide the free flow of information to the public, is not what it is presented to be. It is an integral plank of the Progressives and Globalists who have been advancing the Communist agenda for decades, using it to ultimately seek control under global governance. The bill, should it become law, will have a chilling effect on free speech, especially any negative discourse against the people in power, their policies and plans. Everyone needs to pay very close attention to this bill and take a stand to assure its defeat.   Continue reading “Media Shield Law is armor for the autocrats”

The Week

Here is my second iteration of the National Security Agency’s organization chart, which is now as up to date as possible, and includes a significant number of additions. I have also tried to organize the names of NSA databases and tools by function, and you can see the flow of where data comes from, what is, and can be, done with it once it resides inside the NSA’s brain. I am not a visual artist, and I am certain that one of you can make this chart sing and shine in a way that I cannot.   Continue reading “The NSA’s secret org chart”

Before It’s News

FSA Terrorists Behead an Already Dead Syrian Pilot (18+)

Terrorists from the “Free Syrian Army” (FSA) and al-Qaeda in Syria display their barbarism and savagery by showing how they managed to behead the corpse of a dead Syrian pilot, whose helicopter was shot down by the FSA/al-Qaeda militants. What’s with beheading an already dead person?   Continue reading “FSA Terrorists Behead an Already Dead Syrian Helicopter Pilot”

US President Barack ObamaPress TV

The White House says US President Barack Obama will not meet with his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York next week.

“There are currently no plans for the president and President Rouhani to meet at UNGA,” National Security Council spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan said in an email to American newspaper The Hill.    Continue reading “White House: Obama will not meet with Iran president in New York”

Last Resistance – by Philip Hodges

A Houston, Texas man may face charges for shooting a couple of carjackers and killing one. It happened one evening last week when the man came to his local Redbox to rent a video. When he was out of his car, two men robbed him of his keys and cellphone at gunpoint before getting into the victim’s car in an attempt to leave. (If only the Redbox had posted their “Carjacking-Free Zone” sign. Then, this incident probably would have never been conceived in the first place.)   Continue reading “Houston Man May Face Charges for Shooting Carjackers”

National Review – by John Fund

Prostitution. Bribery. Blackmail. Thuggery. Hypocrisy.

Those were just some of the incendiary words thrown around the U.S. Senate last week, and that doesn’t count what people said in private.

The Senate may still have a reputation as a genteel club, but lawmakers seemed to abandon rules of decorum completely last week in arguments about whether Congress should be treated like the rest of the country when it comes to Obamacare.    Continue reading “Congress’s Exemption from Obamacare”

Obamacare will question your sex lifeNew York Post – by Betsy McCaughey

‘Are you sexually active? If so, with one partner, multiple partners or same-sex partners?”

Be ready to answer those questions and more the next time you go to the doctor, whether it’s the dermatologist or the cardiologist and no matter if the questions are unrelated to why you’re seeking medical help. And you can thank the Obama health law.   Continue reading “Obamacare will question your sex life”

How FarThe Defensive Training Group

As you experiment setting up your pack and then go into the field, you will find that many times your “what if” tendencies (see above graphic) will guide you to over-pack your ruck with many items you don’t really need, with the final result being the pack isn’t properly balanced once it’s loaded.  It will end up being an anchor instead of your ticket to continued ability to operate or survive.

The following information is provided for your benefit.   Continue reading “Ruck Sack Packing – A Primer”

special-forces3SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

If you were under the impression that the brewing conflict with Syria is over or that it would be a simple one sided affair with the United States launching “brief and limited” strikes on Syrian military assets, then consider the following report from a Russian military review.   Continue reading “Sabotage: Special Forces To Target U.S. Economy, Infrastructure, Railways, Power Plants, Waterworks, and Refineries In the Event of Mid East Conflict”

IsraelNatural News – by Ethan A. Huff

Israel’s Ministry of Health has made a bold ruling against artificial water fluoridation, reversing more than 15 years of forced poisoning via public water supplies in the Middle Eastern country. A recent announcement by Israel’s Supreme Court has declared that a 1974 law permitting — and a later 1998 law requiring — all public water supplies in Israel to be fluoridated are both outdated and invalid, and that all current fluoridation programs in the country will have to end by April 9, 2014, in order to comply with new public safety requirements.   Continue reading “Israel commits to ending water fluoridation by 2014, citing major health concerns”

The New Boston Tea Party

Succession is in the wind; activists from the tiny state of Maryland have seen liberalism, seen moochism, seen lying liberals for much too long. And they plan on doing something about it, secede from the State as a whole. Of course this won’t happen but it does manifest the frustration with progressive policies that have diluted the American way.   Continue reading “Western Maryland has had it”

monsanto protection actThe Organic Prepper

The  FY14 Continuing Resolution (CR) spending bill  is soon to be on the table in the Senate, and hidden in this bill is a continuance of the controversial “Monsanto Protection Act” that was passed 6 months ago (HR 933) amidst enormous public outcry.

It probably won’t come as much of a surprise that the mainstream media is providing disinformation regarding this bill – after all – look at their advertisers. It’s just good business for them to go with the flow on this. According to mainstream sources, this is being presented as a done deal, when in fact, it has only passed the House and must still go before both the Senate and the President.   Continue reading “Untouchable: Government Gives Monsanto the Go-Ahead to Kill You and Your Family”

Libertarian portal lead pictureEric Peters Autos – by Eric

Republicans, Democrats – authoritarian collectivists generally – reflexively dismiss Libertarianism as “impractical” and “naive” in order to avoid discussing the validity of core Libertarian ideals – self ownership, non-aggression. They wave their hands and say, “it won’t work.”

But is this true?   Continue reading “Practical Libertarianism: Peace Keepers vs. Police”

Navy YardUSA Today – by Jim Michaels

WASHINGTON — The shooting Monday at the Navy Yard here took place in Building 197, the headquarters of the Naval Sea Systems Command, an essential component of the country’s sea service.

According to the Navy, the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) is the largest of the Navy’s five system commands. About 3,000 people work in the command headquarters at the Navy Yard.   Continue reading “Navy Yard building home to Sea Systems Command”

Courthouse News Service – by Christine Stuart

BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (CN) – Staff members at the American School for the Deaf chased a student into a construction site where police Tasered the boy without warning, his parents claim in Federal Court.

A.M. is a “profoundly deaf” 12-year-old resident of Bronx, N.Y., who also has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, according to the complaint in U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut.   Continue reading “Beaten and Tasered at School for the Deaf, Parents Claim”

Fox News

President Obama vowed Monday to hold responsible those who carried out the “cowardly” mass shooting at the Washington Navy Yard, while calling the victims “patriots” who served their nation.

Details are still emerging about the shooting. Officials say one gunman is dead, but two others may be at large. At least 10 people were shot, and Obama said “some have been killed.”    Continue reading “Obama vows justice for those behind ‘cowardly act’ at Navy Yard”