GTY 164276692_001USA Today – by David Jackson

With Syria’s chemical weapons now the subject of negotiations, attention is shifting back to questions about Iran’s nuclear program.

Officials in Israel say Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will meet with President Obama in Washington on Sept. 30, with Iran at the top of the agenda.   Continue reading “Netanyahu to meet Obama on Iran”

The Resistanct Journals – by Andrew Pontbriand

In recent weeks, there have been numerous bomb scares, and improvised explosive devices found across Staten Island. None of the bombs appeared to be operational.  A number of inoperable devices that included clocks, wires, and plastic bottles were left out on the street, as the NYPD Bomb squad has been busy investigating their origin.

The most recent discovery was made by Staten Island Sanitation workers. They discovered a black backpack on Duncan Road, which had in it what appeared to be an IED (improvised explosive device).   Continue reading “Fake Bombs Have Staten Island on Alert”

hammerdownSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

Last year the American Truckers Association prepared a report for Congress highlighting the susceptibility of the nation’s just-in-time delivery system, the majority of which is made possible by the transport and delivery of freight. In the event of a catastrophic disaster such as a war that drives fuel prices through the roof or even a natural disaster such as a solar flare that renders electronic trucks inoperable, there would be a “a swift and devastating impact on the food, healthcare, transportation, waste removal, retail, manufacturing, and financial sectors,” according to the report.   Continue reading “Convoy to D.C. – Truckers To Shut Down America in October”

A police officer runs near the scene of the shooting rampage at the Washington Navy Yard on Monday, September 16. Authorities said at least 12 people -- and the suspect -- were killed in the shooting.CNN – by Ben Brumfield

It has been called the most popular rifle in America, and it briefly returned to the spotlight after Monday’s shooting at the Navy Yard: the AR-15.

A U.S. law enforcement official said Monday that gunman Aaron Alexis unleashed a barrage of bullets using an AR-15, a rifle and a semi-automatic handgun. Authorities believed the AR-15 was used for most of the shooting, the official said. The news prompted Sen. Dianne Feinstein, one of the strongest proponents of a ban on assault weapons like the AR-15, to issue a statement the same day asking, “When will enough be enough?”   Continue reading “Navy Yard shooting: AR-15, back in the news – briefly”

War is a Crime – by Ray McGovern

Obama Warned on Syrian Intel September 6, 2013

Editor Note: Despite the Obama administration’s supposedly “high confidence” regarding Syrian government guilt over the Aug. 21 chemical attack near Damascus, a dozen former U.S. military and intelligence officials are telling President Obama that they are picking up information that undercuts the Official Story.   Continue reading “Who’s Lying? Brennan, Obama, or Both?”

Tascosa Feedyard, DetailWired – by BRANDON KEIM

Seen from a satellite, an industrial feedlot has a sort of abstract beauty. The washes of colors, the juxtaposition of organic and rigid geometries, initially obscure the subject. Then comes the realization:That’s where our food comes from.

Such is the power of “Feedlots,” a new series of images crafted by British artist Mishka Henner from publicly available satellite photographs. Henner does work with the photos, enhancing the colors — the waste lagoons above, for example, are flat green rather than bright — but the physical details are unaltered.   Continue reading “Factory Food From Above: Satellite Images of Industrial Farms”

I was sitting drinking a cold one last night and started thinking about how this all went down. It makes no sense at all. These are some things that I think prove it is all a lie. There is a lot more to it, I could write down things that don’t make sense about this all day long. This one is definitely a false flag event.

1.      This guy spent four years in the navy reserves as a computer programmer. There is no way he was knowledgeable enough with an AR to shoot that many people from a distance. The Navy reserves don’t train that much with ARs. The Navy Reserves do some familiarization training and qualify in Basic Training. They are not by any means qualified at the level that this guy would have had to be to do the damage that he did. They say he shot down from high ground at a pretty good distance. If he actually did the shooting, he was trained by someone. It is very possible that some of the folks deployed from the Park Police Choppers did most of the shooting and this guy was already dead.   Continue reading “A Few Points that Show the Navy Yard Shooting was a False Flag”

As we are nearing WWIII, and the rhetoric with Syria is swiftly changing, we are now starting to see the shift in the all-out destruction of America, coming into existence. Obama has played his orchestrated part in the separatist movement and now it is time for the UN, headed by puppet Putin, to emerge as the true government in this conflict.

Policies are being put into place to insure that Americans and patriots alike do not get a chance to fight back or put a halt in the elite’s ongoing plans. The elite have issued their directive and we can either accept their New World Order or be considered a separatist/terrorist and be rounded up and slaughtered like cattle.   Continue reading “The Genocide of Americans Begins”

By now most of us know that this smells of a false flag. I want to share some interesting proofs.

Look at the dateline, “Sunday, 15 September 2013 23:31 Eric Tucker And Brett Zongker, The Associated Press .”

Now look at the caption under the picture, “…gunman was reported in a military building at the Washington Navy Yard Monday, Sept. 16, 2013.”   Continue reading “Anatomy of The Navy Yard False Flag”

Tenth Amendment Center – by Francisco Rodriguez

So often, when some people think of Nullification, they think of a formal process involving a smaller government or individual taking action by producing documents, or sending requests, or petitioning to nullify the action of a larger government. I have to admit that much of the work I do with Florida Tenth Amendment Center follows that exact template. The “formal process” idea of nullification was certainly in view when Jefferson and Madison formulated the Principles of ’98 and encouraged states to block unconstitutional federal acts. So, that’s one way to nullify, to be sure.   Continue reading “Nullification: The Natural Way to Grow the Economy”

Mark E. SchmidterThe Newspaper

Police in Apopka, Florida arrested a man on Saturday morning for distributing a petition that would put the issue of ending red light camera use to a public vote. Mark E. Schmidter, a 66-year-old commercial roofing contractor, stood on the side of the road waiting for the light to turn red at the corner of East Main Street and South Park Avenue. Once traffic came to a stop, he would walk in between cars and distribute a double-sided sheet of paper. One side had a petition form that residents could fill out and a message urging participation in Wednesday’s city council meeting. The other side provided information on why cameras should not be used (view flyer).   Continue reading “Florida Police Jail Man For Protesting Red Light Cameras”

Land Destroyer – by Tony Cartalucci

As predicted days before the UN’s Syrian chemical weapons report was made public, the West has begun spinning the findings to bolster their faltering narrative regarding alleged chemical weapon attacks on August 21, 2013 in eastern Damascus, Syria. The goal of course, is to continue demonizing the Syrian government while simultaneously sabotaging a recent Syrian-Russian deal to have Syria’s chemical weapon stockpiles verified and disarmed by independent observers.   Continue reading “5 Lies Invented to Spin UN Report on Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack”

Tech Dirt – by Mike Masnick

As you may have heard, Boulder, Colorado has been hit by massive flooding over the past week, and it’s been something of a mess. A local company, Falcon UAV, makers of special drones which are built for the government, approved by the FAA, and specialize in using GPS and cameras to generate highly accurate maps, started helping to map the damage with those drones. Continue reading “FEMA Grounds Private Drones That Were Helping To Map Boulder Floods, Threatens To Arrest Operators”

The Daily Caller – by Eric Owens

The Ohio State University Department of Public Safety has acquired an armored military vehicle that looks like it belongs in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Gary Lewis, a senior director of media relations at OSU, told The Daily Caller via email that the “unique, special-purpose vehicle is a replacement” for the “police fleet.” He called the armored jalopy “an all-hazard, all-purpose, public safety-response vehicle” with “obviously enhanced capabilities.”   Continue reading “The cops at Ohio State have an armored fighting vehicle now”


From: Bo Chen <bochen7e7[at]>
To: “cryptome[at]” <cryptome[at]>
Subject: Cryptome : Help, I’ve been charged with a crime for using encryption, please make this into a news story!
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 09:38:00 -0500   Continue reading “Addison, Texas police charge Bo Chen with a crime for using encryption on his computer”

The Lone Star Watchdog

President Obama is a deep trouble after President Putin stood his ground and did not buy into the bluff of war with Syria.  While the latest mass shooting at a Navy Yard in Washington DC could be a false flag attack to try to grab the guns out of people’s possession and divert attention from the most glaring scandals that can bring down the Obama White House.

So why in a convenient time there is a mass shooting on a Navy base in Washington DC which both are Gun Free zones. Does anyone remember the Ft Hood shootings where people were sitting ducks in a gun free zones.   Continue reading “Another Mass Shooting as a Desperate Attempt to divert Attention From the Corrupt Scandals and Bad Laws being Passed in Congress.”

IBRDavid Duke

A new “initiative” to make Syria hand over its chemical weapons is currently being flouted by the Obama regime as a way of avoiding a potentially embarrassing defeat in a Congressional vote on the matter—but it ignores the reality that Israel has the largest stockpile of chemical and other weapons of mass destruction in the entire Middle East.   Continue reading “What About Israel’s WMD Stockpile?”

U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya / APThe Washington Free Beacon – by Adam Kredo

A CIA employee who refused to sign a non-disclosure agreement barring him from discussing the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, has been suspended as a result and forced to hire legal counsel, according to a top House lawmaker.

Rep. Frank Wolf (R., Va.) revealed at an event on Monday that his office was anonymously informed about the CIA employee, who is purportedly facing an internal backlash after refusing to sign a legal document barring him from publicly or privately discussing events surrounding the Benghazi attack.   Continue reading “Congressman: CIA Employee Who Refused to Sign Non-Disclosure on Benghazi Suspended”