Readers will notice that the petitions for Trayvon Martin have been removed from this site.  When the Florida shooting first came to light, we at From the Trenches stepped up to enforce our Bill of Rights, demanding a lawful investigation into the incident as Americans of the American race.  When the race pimp Al Sharpton saw an opportunity to turn our individual power into a collective force, he jumped on it.  Now we have a new African-American movement pushing to change Florida’s self defense law and attack our 2nd Amendment.

Those who have formed the collective and calling themselves African-Americans have chosen to separate themselves from the American people of the American race as they seek a special status and advantage over the rest of us.  If they want to put African before American and seek to pool their power we must reject them in every way.
Continue reading “An American Pulls Justice for Trayvon Martin Petitions from Site”

Candidate Barack Obama is now describing himself as the “Energy President”.  How many faces can one man have?  Obama was in Oklahoma City yesterday for the start of construction on the Keystone Pipeline that will bring it to south Texas.  You see, in associating himself with this project, he is trying to create the illusion that he is taking action to deal with the out of control gas prices.  What a farce.

It will take years for this section to be completed and when it is done, it will do nothing to lower gas prices in the United States.  This oil is going to Israeli owned refineries in south Texas, where it will be turned into gas and diesel, which is to be exported to China.
Continue reading “Obama – Our New Energy President”

Congressman Paul Ryan is stepping up center stage once again in an attempt to push the agenda of his neo-con masters.  Back in the spring of 2011, Ryan introduced “his plan” to implement austerity measures upon the old, middle class, and poor to replace $30 trillion that the elite who own him had stolen from we the people.  Senior citizens across the country unleashed in defiance and Ryan and company backed off.

I’m sure he went to his corporate controllers and informed them that an attempted takeover of the Social Security account at that time would destroy any chances the neo-cons have of taking the White House from the Obama led soviet socialists.  After which his corporate masters told him to lay low for a while and simply allow them to steal a few more trillion to be added to the debt through contractual deficit spending.
Continue reading “Neo-con Paul Ryan Targeting Social Security Again”

RT News   Presidential hopeful Ron Paul has publicly attacked the Obama administration’s abolishment of due process in a new editorial, calling the move a turning point in American history.

Responding to Attorney General Eric Holder’s recent justification for the extrajudicial killings of three American citizens on foreign soil, Republican Party candidate Ron Paul has penned a scathing op-ed condemning the White House for circumventing the US Constitution. Earlier this month Holder spoke at Chicago’s Northwestern Law School to discuss last year’s execution of alleged terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki and two other US-born clerics in Yemen, a decision he says the White House still defends despite criticism from citizens and lawmakers alike.
Continue reading “Ron Paul blasts Obama for killing Americans”

The patriotic American people of the American race continue to come out in ever increasing numbers in support of Dr. Ron Paul and in defiance of disenfranchisement.  Our numbers have grown in such proportion as to make it no longer feasible to simply disenfranchise through a fraudulent, behind the doors, counting of the vote and disposal of thereafter.

In Missouri Saturday, caucus goers in St. Charles were actually disbanded by so called law enforcement when they attempted to use the lawful procedures put out by the Republican Party to take over the proceedings.  The caucus goers were well educated, well organized, and completely within their rights and the law.
Continue reading “Jim Crow Laws Enacted on Ron Paul Caucus Goers in Missouri”

When Rick Santorum first came on the scene, he was nothing more than a laughable little weirdo that no one could possibly take seriously.  Now, via a couple of months of election fraud, his image is one of a wannabe little social dictator.  Rick has most recently come out with his plan to attack pornography to save the soul of our country, this after declaring that American citizens should only be allowed to have sex as an act of procreation.

Here is a bombshell for you Rick; you are not running for Pope.  According to the Bill of Rights for the Constitution of the United States, we, as free citizens, have the right to do as we please in the privacy of our own homes and the thought of your pathetic trollish little person thinking you can push your way into our bedrooms, using the power of our presidency, is unacceptable.
Continue reading “Rick Santorum – Sex Nazi”

I was wondering why it hadn’t happened yet.  Then on Saturday, at long last, dual citizen Syrian/Americans came onto the streets of Washington DC, demanding that the United States intervene in Syria on the side of the so called Freedom Fighters there.  And of course this event was covered by every mainstream media outlet, said outlets, which have pulled all embedded reporters from the Ron Paul Campaign.  You see this is what has become important in our country, the wants of foreigners.

John McCain has also been front and center, demanding air strikes in Syria, again to support the Freedom Fighters.  Tell me, are these like the freedom fighters in Egypt and Libya, you know, those freedom fighters who turned out to be American hating Al Qaeda, after we armed them and forced their adversaries out of power?
Continue reading “Zionists Demanding US Attack on Syria”

The NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs, the MLB Playoffs and the World Series, NCAA Bowl Games, NFL Playoffs and the Super Bowl, the NBA playoffs, and the March Madness Championship games, every basketball fan has filled out his or her bracket after closely following every game and every statistic leading up to the great event.

President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron attended an NCAA tournament game in the presidential election swing state of Ohio.  If you are a truly devoted basketball fan you will vote to reelect Obama, as to do otherwise would be an insult to the game and will surely mark you as an outsider.
Continue reading “March Madness”

At From the Trenches we have been trying to convey to the people that our natural resources are being raped and stolen by the international corporate mafia.  This Executive Order signed on March 16, 2012 by the international insurgent Barack Obama seizes all property in the United States for the soviet socialist totalitarian military dictatorship, in times of war or peace.  This is not a theory, it is a fact.

Coupled with signing of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 containing the Sections 1021 and 1022 – military arrests and indefinite detention, and the HR 347 Trespass Bill, and the already implemented Patriot Act, we are witnessing an attempted coup.  All that is left is gun confiscation, mass arrests, and Gulags.
Continue reading “Premier Obama Signs Executive Order – National Defense Resources Preparedness”