Gun and ammunition sales are soaring in the United States and indeed they would be higher if not for the fact that the traitors in our bureaucratic socialist system are doing everything they can to slow down and stop firearm and ammunition imports as American manufactures push their facilities to the limits.

The international corporate mafia have made a great push against the American people of the American race in enacting Sections 1021 and 1022 of the National Defense Authorization Act that authorizes military arrests and indefinite detention of American citizens without due process of the law, and the new Trespass legislation that makes protesting in any venue occupied by the aristocracy a felonious offense.
Continue reading “Obama Faces Primary Impeachment”

John McCain, in coalition with the Israeli 5th column inside our government, is all but lying down, kicking and screaming like a spoiled child, demanding that the United States start bombing Syria.

US Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, has come before our Congress and made it clear that he does not need Congressional approval to take our country to war, as our foreign affairs are now being dictated by the United Nations. Panetta should have been arrested on the spot on charges of high treason.  But of course he was not as the treachery being displayed in our highest seats of government could not exist without a majority of complicity.
Continue reading “McCain Joins with Israeli Caucus to Push for World War III”

Illegal alien, Daniela Pelaez, was named valedictorian at North Miami High School.  After which, through her lawyer, she received a two year reprieve from deportation.  This young lady is being paraded front and center as the poster child for the Dream Act, which would legalize millions of illegal aliens overnight, and of course every one of them is a valedictorian, right?  Ms. Pelaez is making her choice of which college she will attend and of course that education will be subsidized by the American taxpayer.

The 5th column insurgents in our government and media want us to look upon this young lady and say it is only right that she should get to stay and have every advantage our country has to offer.
Continue reading “Illegal Aliens Advocating for the Dream Act”

By the time this article is published the patriotic US nationalists living in Kansas will have joined the ranks of the great unwashed, who have been disenfranchised by the international corporate mafia that has taken over and corrupted our election process absolute. Meanwhile the mainstream propagandists are pushing their lies six months into the future.

American businesses created 3 million jobs under Obama.  This statement is true, it is just incomplete as it fails to state that these jobs were created in China, India, South Korea, Indonesia, and Brazil.  In reality these jobs were not created, they were moved from the United States, along with the base industry that supported them.
Continue reading “Give Obama Credit for the Things He has Done”

The unemployment rate stays at 8.3% as it is reported that 227,000 jobs were created in February.  I have heard it reported that these jobs were created in various industries but I have not heard which country these jobs are in.  It seems like if they were indeed created in the United States and as they have been counted; shouldn’t we be able to find out quite easily which states, counties, and cities saw the job creation?

The US Senate voted down the legislation to override Obama’s blockage of the Keystone XL Pipeline and of course this is being portrayed as an act against we the people at a time that we are facing $4 per gallon gas.  The fact is the Keystone XL Pipeline, if allowed to be completed, would benefit only the Canadians, Israelis, and Chinese, as there has never been any intent to put the finished petroleum products from Keystone on the US market as it is intended that these products be exported to the world market.
Continue reading “Why Do Organized Militias Continue to Grow?”

President Obama signed into law on March 8, 2012 HR 347, also known as the Trespass Bill, which makes it a federal offense to protest near government buildings and grounds, as well as any location where any politician or foreign dignitary protected by the Secret Service is visiting, or at any “special event of national significance.”

We will now face up to ten years in jail for causing a disturbance if we happen to be anywhere near one of these anointed venues.  The headline of this story should say, “The insurgent leader Obama enacts more soviet policies on the population of Occupied America.”

Continue reading “Obama Signs HR 347 "Trespass Bill"”

The neo-cons are calling on all the GOP candidates except Mitt Romney to drop out of the race and concentrate on making sure Romney beats Obama.  You see they have grown used to calling these elections after two or three or four primaries and caucuses and disenfranchising all the other people of all the other states right out the gate.

It has indeed become increasingly aggravating for them to fix the individual contests, especially since they are doing such a pathetic job of it and a chant is beginning to reverberate across the United States. “Election Fraud”  “Disenfranchisement” “Revolution”
Continue reading “US Government Clamps Down on Liberty”

The Obama administration is going forward with their campaign to lie the unemployment rate down and change the history of the past three years.  Not just change it, but make it the exact opposite of what actually occurred.  This, at the same time Obama is giving away our oil rich islands off the Alaskan Coast to his comrades in Russia.  Why isn’t this in the mainstream?  Well because the mainstream has nothing to do with reporting the news as they are active members of the social insurgency that is destroying our country.

The people have awakened in mass and realize what is going on.  But how do we stop it?  How do we regain control when every avenue is blocked by the insurgents who now control our government?  It seems the closer we come to uniting our people in the cause of the reinstitution of our Republic, the closer we get to a third world war.  And if anybody thinks that these diabolical monsters would not start a war and see millions of us killed to preserve the status quo, they had best examine history.
Continue reading “New Lies about the Unemployment Rate as the Chains of Slavery are being Forged”

The disenfranchisers have gone above and beyond all known realms of election fraud and the mainstream propaganda machine has followed suit, setting down percentage points before the polls closed that had a mere 1% margin of error through the count.  I’ve always wondered how this worked.  You know, like with the unemployment rate wherein 1700 people are polled, after which it is calculated that 3 million decided to stop looking for work.

If you were watching CNN’s election coverage you observed exit polls morph into election results right before your very eyes.  Keep in mind the fact that just a couple of short days ago, the American propagandists were calling the elections in Russia a joke because Putin was announced the winner with only 25% of the vote counted.  Then these same propagandists turn around and call our GOP primary elections before even one vote is counted.  And who was calling these elections over in Russia?  Oh yeah, that would be their propagandists.
Continue reading “CNN Predicts Super Tuesday Primaries and Caucuses Using Mystical Powers”